Coffee review

The method of making coffee cupcake

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee cupcake raw material formula eggs 1:5 unit weight flour 750unit weight white granulated sugar 1300 unit weight instant coffee 100unit weight butter 80 unit weight production method 1: wash and peel the eggs, put the egg liquid into the pot, add 750unit weight white granulated sugar. Beat with swinger, heat to about 50 ℃, remove the heat and continue to play, about 30 minutes, into a thick paste, the whole

Coffee cupcake

Raw material formula egg 1:5 unit weight flour 750unit weight granulated sugar 1300 unit weight instant coffee 100unit weight butter 80 unit weight

Manufacturing method

1: wash and peel the eggs, put the egg into the pot and add 750 unit weight white granulated sugar. Beat with batter, heat to about 50 ℃, remove the heat and continue to beat, about 30 minutes, into a loose body thick paste, all flour and 50 units weight of coffee powder, pour into the egg paste, pour and mix, then melt 50 units of butter to 60 ℃, slowly pour in, pour while mixing, mix well.

Batter the cake, pour it into a bowl and flatten it. Send it to a 180 ℃ oven and bake for about 30 minutes. Press the cake with your hands to stretch and cook.

3: put the cake billet on the operating table, remove the cushion paper, cut it from the middle piece with a knife, divide it into two pieces, align it up and down, and cut off the rough edges.

4: take 50 units of coffee into an aluminum pot, rinse with 700 ml boiling water, put in 500 units of white granulated sugar, boil with fire, remove the fire after the white granulated sugar dissolves, let cool into coffee syrup.

5: add 150ml water with 100 unit weight coffee sugar juice, add 50 unit weight sugar into the pot, boil, dissolve the granulated sugar, remove the fire, let cool into coffee sugar water.

6: put 750 unit weight butter in a stainless steel pan, stir it with a wood mixer to form a thick paste, mix it into the coffee syrup one after another, and mix until all the syrup is mixed, that is, the coffee butter sauce.

7: sprinkle the bottom piece of the cake with a layer of coffee sugar water, and then apply a layer of coffee butter sauce. Align the last piece of cake neatly and put it on the code. Pour a layer of coffee sugar water on top and spread a layer of coffee butter sauce on top. Apply evenly and evenly. Put the rest of the coffee butter sauce into a roll of oil paper with a flower mouth and squeeze a pattern on it. Cut it into 80 rectangular pieces with a knife.

The delicious and lovely coffee cake is out of the oven.