Coffee review

2017 detailed illustration of the fusion skills of coffee and milk

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following Kaiping (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. As we all know, Lahua is based on Italian concentration to make a beautiful milk bubble design. To be able to do a beautiful flower pull is probably what every barista wants to do. In fact, the essence of each cup of flower is the hydrological collision between milk and espresso.

Follow the caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own.

As we all know, pull flower is based on Italian concentration to make a beautiful milk foam design. To be able to do a beautiful flower pull is probably what every barista wants to do. In fact, the essence of each cup of flower is the hydrological collision of milk and espresso. Many complicated patterns and techniques are more or less the same, which can be divided into the following four parts:

1. Height (Heigh)


Before pulling flowers, you need to blend milk foam with espresso. When you first pour the coffee, pour the milk foam into the coffee from a height of about 5 centimeters from the surface of the coffee, and the milk flow should be as thin as a mouse's tail or even thinner. At this point, milk foam and espresso naturally merge into one. At this time, you can start to make pull flowers, pour the milk foam as close as possible to the cup mouth of the coffee, you will find that as the mouth is closer to the coffee, the more white milk bubbles will float on the surface of the coffee, not all blend with the coffee.

two。 Posture (Position)


When you pour milk foam into coffee to create a symmetrical flower design, it is important to remember that you are pouring one liquid into another liquid, and the force of the foam into the coffee will push the pattern of the flower forward and the coffee in the cup. When pouring milk foam, you have to pour the white foam and brown coffee. If you pour the foam steadily from the center of the coffee, you will get a pattern that diverges outward from the center, but if you deviate from the center, the motivation for the foam to pour into the coffee will draw a long, snake-like line curled in the cup.

Advanced action: if the coffee cup is flat on the counter or table when you pour the foam, it will make it easier for you to aim at the center of the cup, but in this way, the foam is not enough to make a deep espresso base for you to make a pattern. If you tilt the cup slightly at the beginning and return the cup smoothly, although you must gently correct the flow path of the foam to ensure that the foam is poured into the cup from the central point, when you master the skill, you will pull out a white-brown pattern with a beautiful proportion.

3. Traffic (flow)


The amount of foam flow is an important condition for you to see flowers or disorganized patterns in the cup. Pouring milk foam too much and too fast will destroy or even disintegrate the pattern that we have already finished on the coffee base. If you pour too much milk foam too far from the coffee, it will splash, making the pattern a mess and out of order.

Please note: to increase the flow of milk foam, this action must not be done at the same time after lowering the spout of the kettle. You should increase the flow of the foam the moment you put the spout to the lowest point or closest to the cup. This continuous combination of lowering the spout and increasing the flow allows you to pour the white foam out of the bottom of the kettle, allowing you to easily (skillfully and artistically) put the foam on the surface of the coffee.

4. Control (Control)


If you just want to make a heart-shaped flower or a simple note, then the first three basic skills will suffice. But if you want to make Rosetta or Tulips flowers next, you have to control the foam in your hand. Making a basic Rosetta is not as difficult as it seems, but you do need to grasp the first three elements: height, posture and flow.

The so-called control refers to the gentle swing of the mouth of the nipple on both sides to outline the symmetrical leaves. First of all, when it comes to swinging, it's not a back-to-forward attack, and you don't need to move the whole arm. On the contrary, the swing is more like a gradual movement on the brakes; the so-called gently swinging the milk jar is by holding the handle of the milk tank and swinging the wrist slowly from side to side, but it also needs to be like Tai Chi, strong and soft, relaxed and orderly. Using thumb pressure to control the swing, you can make the bubble pot produce a uniform and consistent pendulum shake, so that after lowering the bubble pot and increasing the foam flow, you can draw Rosetta leaves. When you have drawn the number of leaves you want and decided to enter the final stage, raise your milk bubble pot again to about 5 centimeters from the coffee, and then use the milk trickle to draw a leaf stem from the narrowest part of the leaf to the widest place.


To make a tulip flower, you must know when to stop and when to continue to pour milk foam, a slightly paused rule. Unlike Rosetta flower pulling, which requires shaking the nipple on both sides, tulip flower pulling is produced by controlling both height and flow at the same time. As mentioned before, the foam is poured high and slow. However, this time, do not lower the spout and continue to pour the foam, but stop pouring the foam completely, and then lower your nipple mouth.

When you start pouring foam into the center of the coffee again, make sure your nipple tip is as close to the coffee as possible and pour the foam strongly and steadily. At this time you should see a white halo in the cup, which is the first layer of the tulip flower. When the halo is close to your ideal size, stop pouring in the foam, and then lift the nipple tip back before you start pouring the foam (you must lower the mouth and pour it quickly) and make the second layer of tulips.

Repeat the above process to make the third layer of tulips, reduce the flow of milk foam while increasing the milk bubble pot, and then draw a flower stem from the middle of the third layer of tulip petals, so that the tulips are finished!

Fusion skills

In the coffee flower, the uniform fusion of coffee and milk is to further improve the taste of the coffee, not just to pull out a beautiful pattern. Only by ensuring that the integrated milk coffee tastes good, can we study the skills and beauty of flower drawing again.






Conclusion: when merging, we should pay attention to the flow rate of the milk foam, the height of the flower jar, the swinging speed, and the flow rate of the milk foam should be stable and continuous, not intermittent; after the fusion, the coffee liquid surface should be clean, the color is the same, and the white foam should not appear, otherwise it will affect the subsequent flower drawing pattern; when merging, let the coffee liquid surface rotate in the cup to make it more mobile, and remember not to rush to the edge of the cup as far as possible. If there is white foam, continue to inject foam fusion into that place, so that the white foam can be washed under the coffee surface.