Coffee review

What is red wine processing?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style ) 2015 WBC contestant Sasa brought to the world a Colombia coffee bean treated by a process similar to red wine brewing. In addition to the novel taste of beans, the red wine treatment method adopted to treat beans also makes Xiao Bian and many coffee lovers curious. What exactly is called

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

2015 WBC contestant Sasa brought to the world a Colombian coffee bean that has gone through a similar wine-making process. In addition to the novel taste of beans, the "red wine treatment" that was adopted to treat beans also made editors as curious as many coffee lovers. What on earth is the so-called "red wine treatment"? I believe we all know the traditional coffee treatment methods such as washing, tanning and honey treatment, but what is the red wine treatment of coffee beans?

The red wine treatment of coffee beans, also known as red wine treatment, is inspired by the brewing technology of red wine. At present, only eight estates in Colombia have successfully introduced coffee beans treated with this method to the market. According to the data of these eight estates, we can roughly divide the types of red wine treatment into: acetic acid fermentation (Aerobic aerobic fermentation), lactic acid fermentation (Anaerobuic anaerobic fermentation), mixed fermentation (Mix Fermentation=Aerobic+Anaerobuic).

The traditional treatment method is difficult to control the changeable fermentation degree of coffee beans. But red wine treatment rules can ensure the quality of coffee beans by controlling PH value, even temperature and humidity, and airtight fermentation makes aroma less volatile.

The red wine treatment of coffee beans, also known as red wine treatment, is inspired by the brewing technology of red wine. At present, only eight estates in Colombia have successfully introduced coffee beans treated with this method to the market. According to the data of these eight estates, we can roughly divide the types of red wine treatment into: acetic acid fermentation (Aerobic aerobic fermentation), lactic acid fermentation (Anaerobuic anaerobic fermentation), mixed fermentation (Mix Fermentation=Aerobic+Anaerobuic).

The traditional treatment method is difficult to control the changeable fermentation degree of coffee beans. But red wine treatment rules can ensure the quality of coffee beans by controlling PH value, even temperature and humidity, and airtight fermentation makes aroma less volatile.

Next, let's talk about the specific process of fermentation. First of all, Colombian farmers carefully pick coffee cherries and carefully select coffee red fruits to ensure that among the coffee cherries selected for processing, the percentage of immature cherries is less than 2%, defective beans less than 3%, and floating beans less than 5%.

The selected coffee cherries are placed in a specific container by the farmer's uncle (the beans used by Australian baristas in the Sasa competition are placed in metal containers). But in any case, the container should have a device similar to a red wine fermentation suppository or a single exhaust valve. In this way, carbon dioxide can be spilled through the device to control the concentration of air in the container. At this time, the coffee cherries in the container are fermented with acetic acid, and the beans are relatively bright, clean and citric acid.

According to Sasa's description in the competition, the processor injected carbon dioxide into the container to prevent oxidation from producing volatile acid, a process known as lactic acid fermentation, which produces malic acid and stone acid, which is relatively stable, so the beans fermented with lactic acid have a more mellow acidity, with cheese, nutty and creamy flavor.

As for the description of the difference between water and no water in the treatment of red wine, the editor is still in distress. The above contents still need to be considered, I hope you will discuss it more!

Before writing this article, the editor looked through all the data on the red wine-treated estates in Columbia, analyzed Sasa's description of the beans he chose during the competition, and looked at the mechanism of fruit fermentation in biology. Even so, there is still no detailed description in the data, including the official website description of the bean manor is only limited to the flavor. It is believed that this new way of handling is still in a state of secrecy and has not been popularized. of course, there is no comment.

Even though the details of red wine treatment are not known, the editor roughly summarizes the process description of "red wine treatment" by combining the consultation mentioned above and his own understanding of the wine fermentation process.