Coffee review

[magic beans; ground beans] roasted coffee beans, charming magic

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style). Can you roast your own coffee beans with a pan? Coffee beans are almost tasteless, but after roasting, they can change a lot of aroma and flavor. To put it simply. To roast coffee beans is to heat the raw beans in a heat-resistant vessel and stir them constantly so that each bean is heated evenly.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Can you bake your own coffee beans in a pan? Coffee beans are almost tasteless, but after roasting, they can change a lot of aroma and flavor. To put it simply. To roast coffee beans is to heat the raw beans in a heat-resistant vessel and stir them over and over again so that each bean is heated evenly until it is baked to the desired extent.

Coffee beans roasted in different degrees will have different aromas and flavors.

The process of turning raw beans into ripe beans, and because of the caramelization of heating, the interaction of substances in the beans, the aroma and taste change dramatically, and the color gradually darkens.

Raw beans contain a little water. At the initial stage of baking, the moisture begins to be heated, causing the beans to gradually expand and make a popping sound. Until the temperature rises to about 205℃, the moisture is almost dissipated, and the sound is no longer heard. The temperature begins to rise rapidly, and the color of the beans darkens rapidly. When the temperature rises to about 230℃, the oil contained in the beans is gradually forced out, and the popping sound will be heard again. The beans also begin to shine, and when the sound is quiet, the beans will turn oily black and begin to smoke.

Different raw beans have their own suitable baking degree, which can be judged by the change of color. The firepower during baking affects the baking time. If the firepower is large, the time is short, and the characteristic of the aroma is more remarkable. On the contrary, if the firepower is small, the taste will be softer and smoother. Baked beans should be cooled quickly so as not to dissipate the heat and take away the aroma at the same time. Freshly baked beans are not suitable for drinking immediately. They need to rest for at least one day, or even three to four days, so that the beans are fully ripe, which is the most suitable time to taste.

Various roasting degrees of coffee beans

Shallow baked beans

Shallow baked Light

Medium baked beans

Medium baked Medium

Cinnamon baked beans

Cinnamon baked Cinnamon

City baked beans

Urban baking City

Deep city baked beans

Deep city baking Full City

Italian baked beans

Semantic baking Espresso

Deep baked bean

Deep baked Dark

French baked beans