Coffee review

Advantages and disadvantages of Nestle capsule Coffee Machine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The benefits of Nespresso Nestle capsule Coffee (1) the experience of simple, fast and convenient bloggers is the most practical, especially when there are guests at home. In the past, when we entertained guests, we made coffee, from grinding coffee powder, pressing cakes, making shots, beating milk foam, pulling flowers, and finally serving them to the table for more than ten minutes. I am also a megalomaniac, and after I finish it, I am used to cleaning and tidying up all the appliances.

Benefits of Nespresso Nestle capsule Coffee

(1) simple, fast and convenient

The experience of bloggers is that it is most practical, especially when there are guests at home. In the past, when we entertained guests, we made coffee, from grinding coffee powder, pressing cakes, making shots, beating milk foam, pulling flowers, and finally serving them to the table for more than ten minutes. I am also a tidy freak, and after I finish, I am used to cleaning and tidying up all the utensils, and it will take me ten minutes or so. I am fast enough to take care of the guests for nearly half an hour. Therefore, it is most convenient to entertain ordinary guests with capsule coffee.

(2) the volume is stable.

Because the taste of the coffee capsule is fixed and the taste is certain, and the operation of the machine is very simple, basically even people who do not have much experience in brewing coffee can make a cup of coffee with good taste as long as they read the instructions and know how to operate, which can be said to be "Coffee for Dummy".

Nespresso wbr雀巢胶囊咖啡机之优缺

All kinds of Nespresso coffee machines

Based on the above two points, so Nestl é started with commercial users and rented to enterprises.

Nespresso wbr雀巢胶囊咖啡机之优缺

All kinds of Nespresso accessories

(3) novelty and fashion

Nespresso later combined with modern designers, follow the boutique, fashion line, from the coffee machine, to all the accessories (including coffee cups, plates, spoons, coffee capsules and even sugar bags, as well as special bags for coffee machines, wooden boxes and cans for coffee capsules, etc.) are full of beauty, people can not put it down, have the opportunity to visit the Nespresso boutique, currently China's Xinguang Xintiandi boutique display store in Beijing.

Nespresso wbr雀巢胶囊咖啡机之优缺

Nespresso boutique

Nespresso wbr雀巢胶囊咖啡机之优缺

The disadvantages of Nespresso Nestle Coffee capsule Coffee, apart from the previous blog post which mentioned the issues of fair trade of coffee beans, exclusive career and environmental protection (please refer to the previous blog post: one of my favorite machines, lazy machine: Nestle capsule coffee machine Nespresso C290), bloggers feel that there are three:

(1) it is expensive

Whether it is the machine itself or coffee capsules, due to the selection of boutique route, the price naturally can not be civilian. A coffee capsule is close to 6 yuan, which may not seem very expensive, but for people who often make their own coffee, a cup of Italian strong shot costs about 7 grams of coffee powder, and a pound of espresso beans costs only about 100 yuan, which is worth less than 2 yuan per cup. Of course, the time to brew coffee comes from your own hands. So using Nespresso can be said to be "money in exchange for time".

Nespresso wbr雀巢胶囊咖啡机之优缺

Limited edition Essenzac set with Swarovski crystals

(2) single taste

It is said that Nespresso has 12 flavors (it is said to have increased to 16), coupled with the limited edition of spring and winter each year, there are many choices, but as far as coffee connoisseurs are concerned, using coffee beans with different flavors from all over the world to make their own, among which the ever-changing choices and fun are almost limited, so most of the reasons why coffee experts will not agree.

(3) freshness

In fact, the most important thing about coffee is freshness. Once the raw coffee beans are roasted, they will be kept for two weeks at most. Even if there is so much emphasis on vacuum and sealing, it will be wise to see if it can last up to a year, as Nespresso said. Maybe it's in the mind. When the blogger drinks the coffee capsule three months after the manufacturing date, he always feels that it doesn't taste like that, and there is no bean fragrance baked by the blogger himself.

So when it comes to coffee, you have to follow the four elements introduced earlier: (please refer to the previous blog post what is a "good cup of coffee"?)

1. Flawless fine coffee raw beans

two。 Freshly roasted coffee

3. Freshly ground coffee

4. Freshly brewed coffee

That is, "the selected flawless coffee raw beans, after proper roasting, fresh grinding, brewing, the correct extraction of the flavor" of the coffee.

Of course, "it is easy to say, but difficult to do". Sometimes it is said that "the world is invincible", but it is "powerless" to do it, so I still have to thank Nestl é for its great invention and contribution to the popularity of coffee!

Later, the blogger can only regard my favorite phone, the Nespresso C290, as a "mistress machine". When there are visitors, they come out to see them. Have the opportunity to introduce my other favorite phones next time!