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Are you a traveler or a tramp?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Travel always belongs to people who seem lonely but are afraid of being alone. Wandering is destined to be accompanied by soldiers who really forge ahead. What travelers really want is to identify their true thoughts by their footsteps. Vagrants carry their hearts by walking to pursue their ideal goals. On the way to travel, you will always find a reason to be quiet in one place. Wandering is doomed to have a beginning without an end, doomed

Travel always belongs to people who seem lonely but are afraid of being alone.

Wandering is destined to be accompanied by soldiers who really forge ahead.

What travelers really want is to identify their true thoughts by their footsteps.

Vagrants carry their hearts by walking to pursue their ideal goals.

On the way to travel, you will always find a reason to be quiet in one place.

Wandering is destined to have a beginning without an end, doomed to be alone, an indefinite journey.

Travelers always take care of everything for themselves, including questions to think about, before they leave.

However, the homeless are eager for quick success and quick profit, reckless, and they are often covered with dust and ragged clothes.

Travelers always look at the scenery passing by with appreciative eyes.

Vagrants always use the line of sight of pursuit to find the figure that echoes with the soul along the way.

Travelers find happiness, tramps look for happiness.

One word has two temperatures, one way and two meanings.

Travelers reap their own spirit, while tramps sow their own thoughts.

Travelers keep hinting at the existence of loneliness in a vain attempt to get rid of it. The tramp is immersed in loneliness.

So the traveler will go to the stop sign to stop a return bus and smile and go home warmly.

But in the face of the traffic driving in the opposite direction, the tramp moved on with the whole backpack.

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