Coffee review

John's private coffee shop quietly took another step closer.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, many friends have been asking me about the preparation of the physical store. After about half a year, I finally straightened out the issue of property rights, and the house was almost cleaned up. All I had to do was add tables, chairs and furnishings, but in fact, I was not going to add anything. a very mini experience store, we are in the countryside, and we particularly like the simple wooden style, so we have today's reality.

Recently, many friends have been asking me about the preparation of the physical store. After about half a year, I finally straightened out the issue of property rights, and the house was almost cleaned up. I just need to add tables, chairs and furnishings to it, but I'm not going to add anything. a very mini experience store, we are in the countryside, and we particularly like that simple wooden style, so we have today's prototype, although it is not finished yet. But I still want to share one or two with you.

The sky in Beijing is very blue today, unlike Beijing, our coffee is right here.

约翰私房咖啡 wbr实体店 wbr悄悄的又近一步

Turn around and see the floor-to-ceiling window of our shop

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The door is on the side

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The entry is the balcony, where we will set up a high table.

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The area of the room is very small and the mini staircase is directly below where we put the workbench.

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约翰私房咖啡 wbr实体店 wbr悄悄的又近一步

约翰私房咖啡 wbr实体店 wbr悄悄的又近一步

Look at the outside from the position of the workbench

约翰私房咖啡 wbr实体店 wbr悄悄的又近一步

Although we have just had an embryonic form and are still ignorant, we have already taken this step. We will go on firmly and stick to it. I hope everyone will come and have a look.

Here we are:

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