Coffee review

What is the coffee flavor wheel? Did you really get that taste?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas follow the coffee shop (official Wechat account cafe_style) more and more people are saying a mouthful of good coffee these days; sometimes I can't help but wonder if they really drink the taste they describe themselves. One of the guests said that he went to a famous bakery in the middle of China; some coffee drinkers he knew highly recommended it.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

More and more people are talking about a mouthful of good coffee these days; sometimes I can't help but wonder if they really drink the taste they describe themselves.

A guest said that he went to a famous bakery in the middle of China; some coffee drinkers he knew strongly recommended that he must go to the middle of the country. He lives in a small town in southern Taiwan, and he doesn't have a car. He has to change buses three times before taking a taxi to the middle of the country. Even so, he took a special day off and went to the middle of the country early in the morning to see this famous coffee shop.

"do they really know the taste of their coffee?" "do they really think their coffee is good?" "Why is that kind of coffee so famous?" He repeated these words to me over and over again during his trip.

He asked them directly, "your coffee smells like smoke!" "what's the smell of smoke?" "it's like a lighted cigarette thrown into coffee." Reboil a cup, change to make another cup, and make another cup by hand with filter paper. The smell of smoke still exists, and finally they say that everyone feels different, as long as it tastes good. He asked them, "what is a good taste?" Is that the smell of smoke? Or is that smoke that you deliberately want to show?

No solution

Another guest went to the coffee shop in central China after the Spring Festival and bought a few packs. He said: not only is the cigarette thrown into the coffee, but also the smell of numb smoke in the mouth after smoking dozens of cigarettes, the smell of smoke when the barbecue is on fire, and the smell of four or five cigarettes burned. That's amazing.

I can only smile.

"some tastes are good, some tastes are bad, good tastes are liked by everyone, and bad tastes are hated by everyone. Now, I tell you that this is a good taste, and that is a bad taste. If I can't get rid of the bad taste and leave the good one, what else can I teach you? "

I once said that to my students.

We all want to have good coffee, and we often hear people say that this coffee is good and that coffee is bad, but have we ever asked ourselves what kind of coffee is good?

Is it enough that it is neither sour nor bitter nor astringent?

Can you clearly say what is sour, what is bitter and what is astringent?

Can you tell me where the sour taste is, where the bitter taste is, where the astringent taste is?

Can you tell me whether it is sour first, bitter then bitter, bitter then sour, or sour then bitter?

Can you tell me what acid is, what bitterness is, what astringency is?

Can you tell me what is good acid, bad acid, good bitter, bad, bitter, astringent and astringent?

Sweet, sweet, salty, spicy, dry, linen, greasy, slippery, ───?

Plenty more!

The fragrance has the smell that smells, drinks fragrance, sees fragrance, thought fragrance ───?

How do we describe a smell? Is it just a good drink or a bad one?

And what kind of mouth do you have before drinking? Is it the mouth of smoking? Is it the mouth that eats garlic? Is it a steak mouth? Is it a candy mouth? Is it a cake-eating mouth?

Did you really get that taste?

Is the taste you drink really that smell?

I suddenly feel that I need to work harder!