Coffee review

Is your barista in love with you? See if these 10 rules match your barista.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Some people say that the coffee shop is a place full of petty bourgeoisie and romance, and it also breeds the plot of the other woman. I wonder if you have an affair in the coffee shop. If you are married, or married, then don't think about it, drink your coffee in a down-to-earth manner, if you are still single, then you can see ~ are you in the habit of going to a coffee shop every day? If there is, then

Some people say that the coffee shop is a place full of petty bourgeoisie and romance, and it also breeds the plot of the other woman. I wonder if you have an affair in the coffee shop. If you are married or married, don't think about it. Drink your coffee in a down-to-earth manner. If you are still single, you can see it.

Are you in the habit of going to a cafe for a cup of coffee every day? If so, then see if your barista has any of the following behaviors. If so, he has fallen in love with you.

1. He knows your name, and spells it right.

He knows your name and can spell it correctly.

2. He notices if you don't come in, and asks you where you were the next day.

He will notice that you didn't come to the cafe yesterday and will ask you, "what were you doing yesterday?"

3. He sometimes gives you your drink for free, or throws in a pastry, or something.

Sometimes he will give you a secret free order, or sometimes he doesn't often give you a small cake or something.

4. He makes hearts out of the foam, and points it out to you.

He may make a heart-shaped flower for your coffee and show it to you every time he gives it to you.

5. He always makes time for a little small talk with you, no matter how long the line is.

No matter how busy he is, he will always take the opportunity to talk to you, no matter how long the coffee line is.

6. He mentions things about her personal life, like where he hangs out or what she does in her spare time.

He will tell you about his personal hobbies, such as where he likes to go or what he likes to do in his spare time.

7. He asks you "to go or to stay?" Every time, and looks disappointed when you say "to go" every time.

Every time you finish your coffee, he will ask you, "do you want to go?" Still drink here, "and when you say take it away, you are always a little disappointed.

8. He always comes out to say hi to you, even if he isn't working the counter that day.

He always greets you voluntarily, even if he is not on duty that day.

9. He goes out of his way to ask how the coffee is, and if you like it, reminding you that he can make it stronger/sweeter if you want.

He will walk out of the bar and ask you how your coffee is today and if it is palatable. At the same time, he will tell you that he can adjust his taste according to your specific requirements.

10. He does THIS to your cup:

Finally, he may mark this on your coffee paper cup.
