Coffee review

Analysis of brewing condition | Coffee extraction temperature is determined by the thickness of grinding and the amount of powder.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas exchange please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) extraction water temperature shallow roasting with high temperature, deep roasting with low temperature shallow roasting with low temperature, deep roasting with high temperature with bitter, low temperature with sour temperature will affect the dissolution rate of coffee ingredients, high temperature extraction, better aroma, better extraction taste, temperature also affects the expansion of coffee powder.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Extraction water temperature

High temperature for shallow baking and low temperature for deep baking

Low temperature for shallow baking and high temperature for deep baking

The higher the temperature, the more bitter, and the lower the temperature, the more sour it is.

The temperature will affect the rate of dissolution of coffee ingredients.

The aroma of high temperature extraction is better.

Low temperature extraction tastes better.

The temperature also affects the expansion of coffee powder.

The expansion of air is the biggest influence of high and low temperature extraction for deep and shallow baking.

The expansion of the air is also related to the thickness of the powder.

If you grind the air, it will expand badly.

When the air is ground, the expansion is weak.

The amount of air expansion also affects the exhaust and absorption speed of coffee powder.

The speed of exhaust and water absorption will affect whether the coffee powder is floating or sinking.

Analysis of cooking condition 1:

Under the condition of fine powder quantity and fine water flow

Steaming at low temperature is basically less likely to swell.

The air in the coffee powder is quickly driven out and sinks at the bottom to form a high-density filter layer.

The slow rushing of the small current can not make the powder layer tumble and release the flavor evenly.

The coffee extracted is obviously sour.


So high temperature extraction is used instead.

Make use of the massive expansion of air in the coffee powder

Let the coffee powder spend more time on the water.

Slowly extract the air with a small stream of water

Let the coffee powder sink slowly to form a filter layer

Can avoid sour taste

Status Analysis 2:

Under the condition that the amount of coarse powder is small and the water is tumbling

Extraction at high temperature

The air in coffee powder is powdery and easy to float on the surface of the water.

There is no powder deposit at the bottom of the filter to block the impulse of the large flow.

It causes a sense of astringency due to insufficient extraction.

Extraction at low temperature

Coffee powder is easy to deposit at the bottom with less air.

Although a larger flow of water is used to stir the coffee powder at the bottom

You can't flow the filter paper directly.

So what kind of water temperature is used to extract coffee?

It should be determined according to the thickness of grinding and the amount of powder.

On the contrary, it is not judged by the depth of the baking degree.

Low temperature for rough grinding and high temperature for fine grinding

Powder is used more at high temperature and less at low temperature.

High temperature for deep grinding and low temperature for rough grinding

Only the medium-baked coffee is brewed.

High temperature will be bitter, low temperature will be sour

Other temperatures should only affect the flavor and taste.