Coffee review

Easy, simple and delicious-American Coffee making method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many parents order a cup of American coffee in all kinds of coffee shops and often feel that it tastes good. They would like to make mellow American coffee at home. Now Xiao I has exclusively disclosed the method of making American coffee.

Many parents order a cup of American coffee in all kinds of coffee shops and often feel that it tastes good. They would like to make mellow American coffee at home. Now Xiao I has exclusively disclosed the method of making American coffee.

American coffee (hot)

Method 1:

1. Extract 1 ounce of espresso. (mixed coffee beans are usually used. Pure coffee beans are fine, but there are all kinds of coffee with so-called origin names. )

2. Heat the water until the cup is full.

3. It is made with milk balls and sugar bags.

Method 2:

1. Put a bag of instant coffee into a coffee cup.

2. Heat hot water to full cup and stir well.

3. It is made with milk balls and sugar bags.

American Coffee (Cold)

Method 1:

1. Fill the cup with ice, put in a bag of sugar and extract 1 ounce of espresso.

2. Heat the water until the cup is full.

3. Add milk balls.

Method 2:

1. Fill the cup with ice and put in a bag of sugar and instant coffee.

2. Heat hot water to full cup and stir well.

3. Add milk balls.