Coffee review

Drinking coffee is a healthy thing! Refreshing the brain, losing weight and diuresis

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) I believe that water people get up early in the morning, in addition to brushing their teeth and washing their faces and drinking a large cup of lukewarm water, it is to have a cup of coffee and start a good day. Every time Douji wants to get up early to make a cup of coffee, Douma will stop me and block the cup that I have poured coffee powder very quickly.

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

I believe that water people get up early every morning, in addition to brushing their teeth and washing their faces and drinking a large cup of warm water, they just drink a cup of coffee and start a good day.

Every time Douji wanted to get up early to make a cup of coffee, Douma would stop me and quickly block my cup of coffee powder and disappear into the kitchen at 500 kilometers per hour.

How much do you like coffee?!! (Collapse

In fact, drinking coffee has many benefits. Let's take a look at the beans ~~~~

Mom, don't stop me!)

* The coffee mentioned here is black coffee without any sugar and creamer!


1. refreshing


Coffee contains coffee because it stimulates the central nervous system of the brain, so that the mind is clear, improve concentration, improve work and learning efficiency, and improve the agility of people in sports.

2. Accelerated lipolysis


Caffeine can accelerate the decomposition of fat, promote the body's metabolism, and increase the consumption of heat. This is a great news for girls who are losing weight!!

3. help digestion

Caffeine stimulates sympathetic nerves and increases gastric secretion.

So some people feel like pooping after drinking coffee!

4. diuretic

Caffeine has a diuretic effect and can increase urine output.

Of course, as much as you drain out, you have to make up for it, so don't forget to replenish more water after drinking coffee.

5. antidepressants


A small amount of coffee can make people excited, happy, and relieve depressed mood.

6. Increase cholesterol for the body

Drinking coffee can increase high-density cholesterol (HDL), which can speed up the metabolism of harmful cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

7. Prevention of cardiovascular disease


Coffee contains linoleic acid, which dissolves blood clots and prevents thrombus processing. It can also enhance vasoconstriction and avoid headaches caused by vasodilation.

8. Prevention of asthma

Caffeine can promote sympathetic excitation, inhibit parasympathetic action, can make asthma patients avoid parasympathetic excitation and attack.

Do you really feel healthy when you see the benefits mentioned above?

And according to experts, in fact, wake up in the morning cup of coffee, light smell coffee fragrance can also refresh, really amazing ah!

However, everything should not be excessive, so do not exceed two cups of coffee a day, otherwise it will have the opposite effect of Europe!