Coffee review

Iced coffee is better! Five new ideas to dispel the misunderstanding of iced coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) whether American style, latte and cappuccino are common and popular types of coffee. I often hear people say that coffee needs a hot flavor, what's the difference between cold and hot coffee? This article sorts out five reasons why you must drink iced coffee, so that people who have always liked iced coffee do not have to be afraid of being

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

American style, latte and cappuccino are all common and popular types of coffee. I often hear people say that coffee needs a hot flavor. What's the difference between cold and hot coffee? This article sorts out five reasons why you must drink iced coffee, so that people who have always liked iced coffee do not have to be afraid of being thought to know nothing about coffee!

1. Tastes don't change as they get colder.

Iced coffee itself is cold and does not change its taste with the temperature. when hot coffee gets cold, it becomes bitter and difficult to taste, but iced coffee has no such trouble because it has never been hot.

two。 It is convenient to make cold coffee

Do not need hot water, room temperature water can make delicious coffee, even the coffee beans mixed and ground in the cup the night before work, the next day you can add some water to go out to work, very convenient!

3. Ice makes it easier to tell the difference between coffee and bad.

Cold soaking can make the quality of coffee more prominent, because it is cold, so the taste of coffee will be more obvious, if the worse coffee through cold bubble can also be drunk immediately.

4. Iced coffee makes the flavor better.

Less hot water brewing released by the bitter taste, cold coffee can make fruit, wood and other more release, drinking iced coffee in addition to drinking the original taste of coffee, you can also drink the aroma of coffee itself.

5. Iced coffee is better for the body and taste than hot coffee.

Many foods will change their flavor because of heating, and so is coffee. If you use ice brew or cold bubble, it can make the coffee taste less sour and taste better, and it is also good for your stomach and teeth.