Coffee review

How to calculate the powder-to-water ratio of hand-brewed coffee? how to calculate the powder-liquid ratio of Italian coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The powder-water ratio of hand-brewed coffee is the total weight of injected water divided by the weight of the powder itself, and the powder-to-water ratio is obtained. Espresso is already conscious espresso due to pressing the button on the coffee handle, so it is difficult to calculate how much water is used. So we generally say powder-to-liquid ratio, the weight of espresso divided by the weight of powder.

The powder-water ratio of hand-brewed coffee is the total weight of injected water divided by the weight of the powder itself, and the powder-to-water ratio is obtained. Espresso is already conscious espresso due to pressing the button on the coffee handle, so it is difficult to calculate how much water is used. So we generally say powder-to-liquid ratio, the weight of espresso divided by the weight of powder.