Coffee review

Weekend coffee party Kenya AA Manning Sheffield Colombia comparison

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, According to the original plan, today was supposed to be the day for the Osher tasting activity to be held at Vivian Cafe, but due to various reasons, the original theme of the activity could not be realized, because Osher's beans did not arrive, but the event was not cancelled. The original tasting activity became a small gathering of coffee lovers. I specially chose four kinds of beans with obvious differences as the beans for this party.

According to the original plan, today was supposed to be the day for the Osher tasting activity to be held at Vivian Cafe, but due to various reasons, the original theme of the activity could not be realized, because Osher's beans did not arrive, but the event was not cancelled. The original tasting activity became a small gathering of coffee lovers.

I specially chose four kinds of beans with obvious differences as the beans for this party: Kenya AA, Mantenin G1, Yega Xuefei, Columbia Cymbidium.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

Kenya AA and Sheffield can be said to be the representatives of Africa, wild and charming, so that countless people yearn for them.

Manning, low, thick, he let countless people unforgettable.

Columbia Huilan, it is difficult to find the right words to describe, it can be said to be in order.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

For convenience, but also to let you know about the taste exchange tools, I specially brought the tool le Nuz du Cafe (commonly known as coffee nose)

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

Everyone is carefully analyzing the beans.

First of all, I put all the beans on a bean plate to compare the similarities and differences of the four kinds of beans. Mantenin's voucher is stretched, Chevy is obviously sewn, slightly wrinkled, Kenya is full, and Colombia is round and shiny.

After briefly explaining the characteristics of each coffee, we grind the beans separately and let us compare the dry aroma characteristics of the four kinds of beans.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

Comparison of dry aroma characteristics of several kinds of coffee

Among them, the most impressive should be Sheffield and Manning, the unique direction of Shifei brightens everyone's eyes, and Mantenin's unique aroma of dry vegetation also impresses everyone.

Next, several friends went hand-in-hand, and everyone tasted the different tastes of four kinds of beans together, and each friend had his own preference.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

After drinking coffee, people began to freely share their own coffee experiences and interests. Although the tasting activity of Osher Coffee was not carried out as planned, this weekend party still brought you a coffee experience, at least for me, I learned more about my friends' preference and orientation for coffee.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

Swiss gold + Kalita hand punch is today's brewing tool.

Since I was busy preparing the equipment and didn't take pictures during the whole event, I didn't leave too many photos, and it's a pity that I didn't leave a group photo of everyone. Finally, I would like to thank all the participants for their support, and I hope you can give more support.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

The process of everyone standing in line to try to rush by hand.

周末咖啡聚会 wbr肯尼亚AA wbr曼特宁 wbr雪菲 wbr哥伦比亚 wbr比较

Summary of activities:

Coffee itself is a kind of drink, a kind of drink that can bring us excitement, it also carries a lot of taste, aroma, culture. But for people who love coffee, coffee carries pleasure, in coffee, in coffee parties, there is no complicated paper work, there is no leader who needs you to look at your face and decide the next sentence, here we are friends, we share our experience, there are no leaders, no experts, there is only the rest and happiness we grab in our busy life! Although the event is not as originally designed, the theme has changed, but I believe what remains unchanged is the relaxation and joy of that afternoon, which is far more cordial than a cup of fragrant coffee.

Here, once again, I would like to express my special thanks to the owner of Vivian Coffee, Vivian, for her great assistance in providing us with venues and utensils to make our happiness come true. Throughout the process, Vivian just quietly watching, silently serving, looking at everyone's joy, Vivian face always with that slightly shy smile, it is everyone's happiness, brought her happiness. When the friends of the activity gradually dispersed and Vivian cleaned up alone, the smile hanging in the corner of her mouth did not weaken in the slightest. I would like to quote Sister Zhou that day, "everyone who runs a coffee shop is amazing" to our hostess, Vivian.

Vivian, tell me that as long as we have a party in the future, Vivian's shop is always open to all who are looking for happiness, and I will organize more activities in the future. I also hope that everyone can take the time to grab the happiness in life with us.

1. Forget to bring all individual utensils and share pots and thermometers

2. Forget to leave a group photo for everyone

3. The activity procedure still needs to be improved.

4. All other service deficiencies ~