Coffee review

Office workers drink up to a few cups of coffee a day.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Now, coffee has become a fashionable drink, more and more cafes are open, young people like to go to cafes to party, and coffee has become a must-have drink for many families. however, health experts warn that drinking too much coffee is not good.

Now, coffee has become a fashionable drink, more and more cafes are open, young people like to go to cafes to party, and coffee has become a must-have drink for many families. however, health experts warn that drinking too much coffee is not good.

Health experts advise coffee drinkers and socializers not to drink too much coffee, preferably two to three cups a day, and in principle, no more than three cups a day for any irritating drink.

1. Canadian researchers recently found that caffeine has a bad effect on people who don't have enough insulin. Researchers have found that caffeine has adverse effects on potential patients with type 2 diabetes, which may lead to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common diabetes in Canada, accounting for 90% of all diabetics.

two。 American scientists have found that smokers who drink three or more cups of coffee a day can quadruple their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Caffeine has an adverse effect on normal cells. it can promote cell aging and has a non-negligible effect on the formation of pancreatic cancer. Coffee drinkers are 2-3 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than non-coffee drinkers. At present, about 20,000 people die of pancreatic cancer in the United States each year, at least half of which are caused by drinking coffee.

3. Researchers from Harvard University in the United States have found that people who drink coffee are more likely to develop bladder cancer, especially for women. If the risk of bladder cancer is set at 1 for those who drink only half a cup of coffee or not, then among those who drink more than three cups of coffee a day, the risk of bladder cancer is 1.31 for men and 2.19 for women. Japanese scientific research report also said that in some male patients with gastric cancer, many people like to drink coffee.

4. According to the results of earlier international studies, pregnant women who drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks are prone to miscarriage, and even if they do not have a miscarriage, their fetuses are likely to weigh less. However, the result is also controversial. Recent findings by Swedish researchers suggest that a small amount of coffee or other caffeinated drinks consumed by pregnant women may not do any harm to the fetus. However, most researchers admit that pregnant women should not drink too much coffee.

5. Coffee contains caffeine ingredients, with mild central nervous stimulation, appropriate drinking can reduce fatigue, enhance memory, reasoning and intelligence, auditory and visual response also become sharp. At the same time, long-term absorption of excessive caffeine may lead to high blood pressure. Recently, the international medical community has also discussed the possible effects of coffee on health problems such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, weight loss, pregnancy and preterm birth.

Two speculations about coffee causing cancer

First, it is believed that caffeine, the main component of coffee, plays a role in inducing tumor.

The other is that poppy-like substances are produced in the process of making coffee, which is carcinogenic.

Although caffeine is not an addictive "drug", experts believe that abstaining from caffeine should not be too sudden, lest it cause migraine-like problems or bad temper. To quit coffee, it is best to take a gradual approach, reducing a little every day until it is reduced to less than 3 cups. If you feel a headache during the reduction period, maintain the present amount for the time being, and continue to reduce the pain.