Coffee review

Drinking coffee immediately after drinking alcohol is easy to increase cardiovascular burden.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Some people are used to drinking a cup of coffee after drinking, thinking that good wine and coffee will sober up. In fact, it is not suitable to drink coffee after drinking. After drinking alcohol, alcohol will be quickly absorbed by the digestive system into the blood circulation system, and then affect the gastrointestinal, heart, liver, kidney, brain and endocrine system, of which the most direct and serious victim is the brain. If you drink coffee immediately after drinking, it will make the brain go from extreme to extreme.

Some people are used to drinking a cup of coffee after drinking, thinking that "good wine and coffee" can sober up. In fact, it is not suitable to drink coffee after drinking.

After drinking alcohol, alcohol will be quickly absorbed by the digestive system into the blood circulation system, and then affect the gastrointestinal, heart, liver, kidney, brain and endocrine system, of which the most direct and serious victim is the brain. If you drink coffee immediately after drinking alcohol, it will turn the brain from extreme inhibition to extreme excitement, accelerate blood circulation, increase cardiovascular burden, and even cause more damage to the human body than drinking itself. The best way to relieve drunken headaches is to drink honey water, because honey contains fructose, which can promote the decomposition and absorption of alcohol and increase the content of glucose in the blood. In addition, tomato juice is also rich in fructose, and eating tomatoes after drinking can also play a role in sober up.