Coffee review

This Taiwanese cafe can really drink good coffee, the simplest single coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, First, our coffee tastes like drinking coffee for 17 years. It is a coffee shop that can last for 17 years for a long time, and there are several cafes. The atmosphere is very important, and the taste of the coffee is also very important. I'm afraid the really good coffee is the coffee shop in the alley. The coffee shop is a little bit more like a family cafe. It's like a big family.


"Coffee at home tastes like coffee."

Seventeen years is a long time.

A coffee shop that lasts for 17 years. How many more?

A cafe, atmosphere is very important, coffee taste is also very important,

Really good coffee.

I'm afraid it's a coffee shop in an alley like this.

Cafe's a little old-fashioned.

More like a family cafe.


It's like a family.

The noise was constant, and the conversation seemed to go on forever

The coffee here has always been the simplest and most primitive

Because of your persistence, the cafe has gone through 17 years


"The Cruelty of Reality"

Whether you want to or not, many things have to be put down sooner or later.

A post-80s museum owner

Actually, the former museum owner

Closed a cafe that had been in business for three years

At that time, the initial intention of opening a cafe was to have a group of like-minded people.

There's a place to gather in your cafe

Probably a bunch of musicians.

Or a group of art buddies.

Then there were some regular customers who came to the cafe

Three or four, not many.

Is there a cafe that opens its doors and has customers?

Where do I find clients?

Always ask yourself questions.

Why don't customers come to your cafe?

Well, if you want to make it work,

You have to think about how to find customers, not how to guard the cafe

I can't afford to spend money on coffee shops.


"Open a cafe, and the most important thing is your customers."

A mom wants to open a cafe for her barista daughter.

She told me that the location was very good.

To save money on rent, she plans to sell the shop

That's a lot of money.

In order to save the cost of buying coffee beans

Mom's gonna learn how to bake.

Before opening the store, Mom had accumulated a certain customer base

to train such a circle.

She likes coffee as much as she does.

All resources are used.

Even though it hasn't opened yet, I've already thought of the next scene

open a cafe

What matters is what your customers experience.

And you run more than a coffee shop.

It's your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle determines the future of your cafe

"Don't forget the original heart, you must always"

A lot of people who want to open cafes

Imagine what happens in the video.

Even if I can't let it go right now

Do whatever it takes to run it.

Don't forget the original heart, coffee shop is sure to last for 17 years!