Coffee review

There are 60 creative flower-pulling designs, and the Chinese version of the flower-pulling champion has finally come out!

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Five times won the British Coffee pull Art Competition Laureate God Dan Tamang's Chinese version of "Coffee pull Art" came out amazingly! Present 60 different creative drawing designs, from drawing and carving to using molds, full-color pictures and text explain the process of drawing, and teach you how to pour a cup of basic coffee to become a black belt-level master of coffee drawing. Author: Dan Tamang; Xia

Five times won the British Coffee pull Art Competition Laureate God Dan Tamang's Chinese version of "Coffee pull Art" came out amazingly! Present 60 different creative drawing designs, from drawing and carving to using molds, full-color pictures and text explain the process of drawing, and teach you how to pour a cup of basic coffee to become a black belt-level master of coffee drawing.

Author: Dan Tamang; translated by Xia Yuan and Li Qi

Publication date: October 2017

Binding type: soft hardcover

Content summary:

The Art of Coffee drawing teaches you how to create a beautiful work of art on top of a cup of coffee. From basic flowers to foam sculptures, from colored roses to Santa Claus, from mysterious unicorns to Bebic bears, each case has detailed, step-by-step, full-color pictures and texts that are clear and easy for learners to understand. The god of the flower shows you how to go from pouring a cup of basic coffee to becoming a black belt-level coffee master.

There are 60 creative designs in this book, and after you try out the design, you can easily draw flowers, carve them, use molds and create amazing patterns that will amaze your family and friends at the party.

[brief introduction of the author]

Dan Tamang (Dhan Tamang)

It won the crown of the British Coffee pull Art Competition for five consecutive years from 2013 to 2017. He is famous in the coffee art industry for his use of colors and accurate designs. Born in Nepal, Mr. Tamang has demonstrated his coffee skills around the world and trained future baristas in his coffee laboratory in the UK.

[brief introduction to the translator]

Xia Yuan

Master of Environmental Engineering, Duke University, USA, coffee enthusiast. I usually like to make coffee by hand and study the details of brewing. A person's coffee trip is a good way to relax in their spare time, with a DSLR, look for cafes in the same city, and record the good things. Like to participate in a variety of coffee classes, in a relaxed environment, and like-minded people to talk about coffee.

Li Qi

Post-90s barista, 2016WLAC World Coffee pull Art Competition China finals, world runner-up, China zui good performance holder. He has promoted and shared coffee culture in magazines Coffee Trapi, Xinwei, TV documentary program "quality" and TV program "Chen Rong moments". He has served as the judge of various coffee pull competitions for many times, and has been invited to attend many coffee exhibitions at home and abroad.

[recommended by editors]

★ won the 5th Laureate of the British Coffee pull Art Competition, and the Chinese version of "Coffee pull Art" by Dan Tamang, the god of the flower, was unveiled. A must-see for all coffee lovers and baristas!

★ "Coffee pull Art" was translated by Li Qi, who topped the China final of the 2016 WLAC World pull Flower Art Competition, together with Xia Yuan of Duke University in the United States.

★ 60 exquisite and varied creative flower-drawing designs, teaching exclusive production tips! From drawing and carving to using molds, it is easy for you to master and create patterns that amaze your family and friends at the party.

★ 's relaxed and pleasant full-color picture and text explains the process of flower drawing, which is operable and teaches you how to pour a cup of basic coffee to become a black belt-level master of coffee drawing.

[wonderful book excerpt]

I come from Kathmandu, Nepal, and have been in the UK for six years. After moving here, I began to learn everything about coffee as much as I could. I have fallen in love with the world of coffee since I first became a barista. Make coffee for my guests and attach a special design to make them smile every day. Is there a better job than this?

The longer I spend with coffee, the stronger my feelings for it. I have been eager to know more about this art, and to be able to travel around the world to learn and share. With my diligence and continued enthusiasm for coffee, I have won the British Coffee pull Art Competition (UK Latte Art Championship) five times. Now I will share my enthusiasm and creativity with you at home through the wonderful design in this book.

If you have a little patience and are willing to practice, it is not impossible to realize this wonderful art of coffee at home. The design in this book will show you how to create perfect works of art on your coffee.

From simple design to stunning, sculptural 3D flower drawing; from mastering basic flower drawing skills to more complex black belt barista design, you will be able to learn everything about coffee drawing. There are 60 designs in the book for you to try. When you practice to the end of the book, I'm sure you will be able to free pour, etch, stencil and sculpt with amazing patterns that will amaze your family and guests who come to the party.