Coffee review

After reading these rumors about coffee, I was scared to wash Yega in a pot of water.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas exchange please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) rumor one: drinking coffee is easy to get fat? Truth: the word coffee comes from the Greek word Kaweh, meaning strength and passion. In fact, the calorie of coffee itself is very low, black coffee (black coffee) is very small, a cup of 100 grams of black coffee has only 2.55 calories. The largest calorie in coffee is one of them.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


Rumor one: drinking coffee is easy to get fat?

Truth: the word "coffee" comes from the Greek word "Kaweh", which means "strength and passion". In fact, the calorie of coffee itself is very low, black coffee (black coffee) is very small, a cup of 100 grams of black coffee has only 2.55 calories.

The "big ones" in coffee are high-calorie additives such as sugar, cream, milk and extra cream. Take the Starbucks grande single cup as an example. American coffee (no sugar, no milk) has 15 calories, latte (whole milk) has 220 calories, vanilla latte (whole milk, vanilla syrup) has 290 calories, and mocha (whole milk, white chocolate sauce, cream) has 370 calories. What is the concept of 370 kcal? A bowl of 100 grams of rice contains only 116 calories, and 370 calories exceed the calories of three bowls of rice.

Obviously, most of the calories in coffee drinks come from whole milk, syrup and so on. So if coffee is a high-calorie drink, it is really wronged.


Rumor 2: drinking coffee can cheer you up for a long time?

Truth: coffee is rich in caffeine to cheer you up, but it's an early overdraft. The total amount of caffeine consumed by healthy adults should not exceed 250 mg per day, that is, drinking 2-3 cups of coffee, too much will stimulate the heart. Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, eliminates drowsiness, increases feeling and thinking, and can be used as a "cardiotonic" to regulate heart function. P often sees a scene in European and American films in which young people make coffee at home in the morning as an early morning drink.

For long-term coffee drinkers, there will be a slight "addictive" feeling, a day without drinking, you will feel tired. This is also caffeine at work.

Scientific research shows that people's energy is a constant value, you can drink coffee if you want to pick yourself up in the short term, but in the long run, this pick-me-up is an early overdraft of energy. The sensitivity and tolerance of the human body to caffeine in coffee are different, so the refreshing effect of coffee will be different. After drinking high concentration of coffee, the adrenal gland increases sharply, resulting in faster heartbeat, higher blood pressure, nervousness, tinnitus and involuntary tremor.

So, sleepy and tired, don't drink anything, take a nap and recharge yourself.


Myth 3: drinking coffee can lead to osteoporosis?

Truth: coffee made from freshly ground coffee is a good source of potassium as well as oxalic acid and caffeine. Potassium helps to reduce calcium loss, while oxalic acid reduces calcium absorption, and caffeine increases urinary calcium loss. Caffeine has only a short-term diuretic effect, drinking a small amount of coffee will not cause a significant increase in daily urine calcium loss.

Caffeine per cup of coffee increases calcium loss by an average of only 2mg to 3mg. If pure milk is added to the coffee, the calcium obtained from the milk is more than enough to make up for the calcium loss caused by caffeine and oxalic acid.


Rumor 4: can't pregnant women drink coffee?

Truth: only excessive caffeine intake increases the risk of miscarriage. Daily caffeine intake during pregnancy should not exceed 200mg.

A cup of (240ml) instant coffee contains roughly 90-200mg of caffeine, so one cup of coffee a day is safe (in fact, few Chinese pregnant women drink coffee every day).


Rumor 5: coffee is a "national" drink?

Truth: coffee is loved by white-collar workers, but coffee also has inappropriate people, not a "national" drink.

For example, people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases drinking coffee for a long time or a large amount of coffee will increase the content of cholesterol in the body; people with stomach problems who drink strong coffee can easily stimulate their intestines and stomach; excessive coffee drinking by pregnant women can lead to fetal malformations or miscarriage; and children's half-life of caffeine metabolism will be prolonged due to incomplete development of liver and kidney and poor detoxification ability in children, so it is necessary to prohibit children from consuming caffeine.

In addition, some experts remind everyone that it is not appropriate to simply take coffee as breakfast, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is more stimulating to the intestines and stomach, which will affect gastrointestinal function.

Of course, there will be no problem with coffee with breakfast or after dinner!


Myth 6: is drinking "fasting coffee" without milk and sugar the best way to taste coffee?

Truth: some people think that if you drink coffee without milk and sugar, it will show that you know a lot about coffee.

Is this really the case?

In fact, there is no fixed way to drink coffee: in Africa, the hometown of coffee, people will add ginger, cinnamon and other spices to make specialty coffee; in Italy, the ancestor of Italian coffee, authentic Italians will add a small spoonful of sugar to Espresso (espresso), stir while savoring the aroma of coffee, and finally drink two or three sips.

In the case of a good cup of coffee, the taste without any seasoning can really enjoy the rich flavor of the coffee itself, and the later addition of sugar and cream can satisfy people's taste.


Rumor 7: do you have to drink coffee while it's hot?

Truth: some people say that the best time to drink hot coffee is 85 ℃, but it doesn't taste good when it's cold.

Of course it's a joke. 85 ℃ coffee will definitely burn your tongue and throat.

In fact, after cooling, a good cup of coffee will taste even better than when it is hot, except for less aroma. We should taste the different flavors of coffee when it is hot, when it is warm, and when it is cold.

It's just that the quality of the early coffee beans is not as high as it is now, so it usually highlights some defective flavor when it is cold, so some people encourage drinking while the coffee is hot to avoid affecting the flavor of the coffee after cooling.

On the other hand, when a cup of steaming coffee is served in front of you, drinking it while it is hot is also a kind of etiquette in response to the heart of the coffee brewer.