Coffee review

The world champion teaches the new extraction theory [4:6 Law] and simply brews delicious coffee!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). The "4:6 verdict" advocated by Mr. Paddy Valley, the champion of the world barista brewing competition, who selected the world's number one barista in 2016. According to "anyone can simply brew delicious coffee" as the theme to extend the new extraction theory, and actually explain for you: how to brew delicious coffee.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The "4:6 verdict" advocated by Mr. Miya Zhe, the champion of the World Barista Cooking Competition, who selected the world's number one barista in 2016. According to "anyone can simply brew delicious coffee" as the theme to extend the new extraction theory, and actually explain for you: how to brew delicious coffee.

The secret of delicious coffee brewing is actually very simple!

Now let's introduce the practice of "4:6 final conclusion"! The method is a simple brewing method created by Mr. Miya with the theme of "anyone can simply brew delicious coffee".

① put filter paper to brew hot water.

The total hot water of ② is 15 times as much as that of coffee powder.

③ brews coffee with 40% and 60% of the total hot water.

The main focus is the above three points! Mr. Miya is also based on this theory when he won the World Series, which is guaranteed to be delicious!

The key to transparency is "rough grinding"!

Rough grinding can withstand high temperature and is not easy to excel. So far, the delicacy of coarse ground coffee beans is well known, but how to extract delicious coffee is not a simple thing. What can solve this problem is the "4:6 theory"!

Refer to and compare the fine grinding with the rough grinding in the photo, which is about the same as the rough grinding in the cup on the right side of the OK.

Then, as long as you brew hot water in accordance with the prescribed method, you can complete the coffee full of transparency.

The time to add water for the second time is to lower the hot water to the cup after the first time!

The "4" of the 4:6 theory is that the hot water added at the beginning is 40% of the total hot water, which is added in two stages (steaming + the second water injection). The trick is to maintain a certain degree of intensity and add water twice. In this way, the coffee powder will be stirred on the filter paper, which will determine the sweet or sour taste. By the way, the action of injecting hot water for the first time contains the meaning of steaming, so remember to brew all the coffee powder.

The most important of these is that, as in the photo, the coffee gradually falls after the first water injection, followed by the second water injection. Mr. Miya believes that "rather than caring about the part of the total water volume at 4:6, it may be more important to know the timing of water injection." The "4:6 theory" will be the core of the whole extraction process.

The remaining 60% of the hot water is used to adjust the "concentration" of coffee.

To make coffee means to dissolve the ingredients of coffee beans into water. Because of the 40% hot water previously injected, the coffee powder is then mixed into the water to adjust the appropriate concentration. Divide the remaining 60% of the hot water into 3 equal parts. There is only one step left to finish a good coffee-find the concentration you like.

Almost finished! delicious coffee presented by experts!

Follow this simple step to complete the coffee debut!

There is almost no bitterness and just the right sour taste, and you can immediately feel the primal purity of coffee after a sip. Even people who don't drink much coffee will think this cup of coffee can drink.

After tasting the delicious coffee, let's take a look at how Mr. Saitani changed from IT consultant to the world's number one barista in three years.

From IT consultant to world champion in 3 years

Mr. Sakatani, who put forward the 4:6 theory, has also had a wealth of experience.

During his tenure as a former IT consultant, due to hospitalization, he began to have access to coffee and opened the way for baristas. "at that time, I was hospitalized because of diabetes. In order to find a drink that I could drink, the last thing I found was coffee. I used my time in hospital to buy a complete set of coffee utensils, constantly trying various methods, and once went to a nearby coffee shop to find a way to make coffee. "

Before that, Mr. Sakatani, who had not been to coffee shops at all, has been going to coffee shops since then and has been studying the way coffee is made when he gets home. In the end, he simply quit his job and decided to continue to work hard to become a barista.

"the period of hospitalization will really affect the outlook on life. Anyone can suddenly get sick without knowing it, so it's better to focus on what you like before it's too late. So I chose my hottest coffee at that time. "

"I don't have much talent for painting and music, but I convey what I've always wanted to express through coffee.

The joy of coffee is that it never ends. What I like most is tasting freshly brewed coffee. Why does it taste like this? There should be other ways to brew. Time to think and so on. "

Mr. Miya kept brewing a cup of good coffee, and finally won the title of world champion and summed up the "4:6 theory."

Mr. meal Valley is a high-profile presence in the coffee industry, and he has told us a lot about the future and trends of the coffee industry.

"I have invested in the coffee industry from different industries, and I need to broaden my horizons in the understanding of coffee. Therefore, I personally think that the next trend will evolve towards "automation".

The theory of delicious brewing technology is coming to an end, followed by an era when machines can also brew delicious coffee.

In the future, the value of our baristas lies not only in the taste of this cup of coffee, but also in whether we can make more people experience the charm of coffee.


Generally speaking, when you hear about "technology", you will usually think of it as knowledge and difficult and complex theories gained through years of experience, but Mr. Paddy's "4:6 theory" is quite easy to understand, and no matter who can do it. But Mr. Miya is not stingy to share this theory with you. You might as well follow this theory and make delicious coffee to enrich every day.