Coffee review

The bread + coffee shop is going hot! Starbucks' first Italian high-end bakery in Seattle

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Bread + Coffee Shop is going hot! Starbucks in Seattle first Italian high-end bakery Starbucks opened its first Italian high-end bakery in Seattle Starbucks has entered the bread baking industry and opened its first Italian high-end bakery P in Seattle on November 7.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The bread + coffee shop is going hot! Starbucks' first Italian high-end bakery in Seattle

Starbucks opens its first Italian high-end bakery in Seattle

Starbucks has moved across the border into the bread baking industry, opening its first Italian high-end bakery, Princi, in Seattle on Nov. 7, and plans to open more independent bakeries in the near future.

The Italian bakery, called Princi, named after Italian baker Rocco Princi, is located at the Starbucks Zhenxuan Coffee Roaster at 1124 Park Street in Seattle. It is the first time in Starbucks's 45-year history that he has sold freshly baked bread.

Princi's elaborate Italian cuisine and baked goods account for 1/4 of the area of Roastery.

Photo source: Starbucks website

The glass cabinet is filled with flaky short slices, vibrant Italian pancake pizza and, of course, irresistible temptation to freshly baked bread.

Breakfast, signature Princi bread, condensed milk eggs and other dishes.

Photo source: Starbucks website

Lunch, fresh focaccia sandwiches, soup and salad.

Photo source: Starbucks website

In the late afternoon, there are olive-filled sfilatini slices and stuffed with pistachio mortadella, the perfect snack spritz.

And, of course, there are desserts, from crostata fragola to Tira Misu to full-bodied chocolate pies.

Photo source: Starbucks website

Princi's menu depends on freshness and quality, purchasing more than 50 ingredients from Italy, half of which are special ingredients, from local farmers, 20-month-old Italian ham bread and pizza, are imported, as Princi insists on an "uncompromising" approach to finding the perfect ingredients.

Photo source: Starbucks website

Armani of the bread world, the breakfast price of Starbucks is probably going up again!

The Pringchi bakery offers more than 100 items of food every day, including Italian croissants (cornetti), focaccia sandwiches sandwiches with Salami ham and Masuri cheese, crostata fregola and so on. These foods use raw materials imported from Italy, 25 of which are specially supplied for the store.

Starbucks invested in Princi to enable it to open and operate all its new Princi stores outside Italy and to offer Princi products in its coffee shops. However, the price of Princi is not so cute, you can even understand it as a kind of "light extravagant bread". In Europe, a small margarita pizza costs 5 to 6 euros in an ordinary restaurant in Milan, while it costs 9 euros in Princi. A Sicilian Cannolo costs 5 euros-such a pastry costs about 3 euros in a dessert shop.

At present, at Starbucks in China, the price of ordering breakfast is 40-50 yuan. After the arrival of Princi, it is estimated that the price of breakfast at Starbucks has gone up again! After all, it's Armani from the bakery, and many people should want to try it!

Rocco Princi, founder of Princi

Founded in 1986, Princi is a brand that started with hand-baked products. It is famous for being open 24 hours a day, offering a wide variety of breads, cakes, fruit towers and other foods in stores.

RoccoPrinci, who comes from a poor family in the poor Calabria region of southern Italy, has done heavy work such as picking oranges and carrying oranges since he was a boy. But since he came to Milan and began to learn to make bread, he felt from the bottom of his heart that this was a profession he was destined to do from birth.

In 1986, RoccoPrinci opened its first Princi bakery in an alley in the city center just 300m from Milan Cathedral. Princi is the plural of "Prince" in Italian. In Rocco's opinion, bread is the prince of all food. And he treats bread in this way: natural yeast, spring water, organic flour and salt, and even burning wood uses only European beech trees. (well, knowing this, you can also understand why Princi bread is so expensive.)

Princi is going to open a store in Shanghai.

The meals sold by Princi include chocolate bread, croissant, salad, beef lasagna and pizza. It currently has four stores in Milan and another one in London.

At the results meeting held a few days ago, Johnson talked about the planning of the Princi business. "Princi will be stationed at every Starbucks coffee roaster, including one that opened in Shanghai in December." "We also plan to open independent Princi bakeries in the next few years to offer Starbucks Zhenxuan coffee," he said.

Princi will be the exclusive food supplier to Starbucks' newly opened Zhenxuan coffee roaster, including in Shanghai in December 2017, in Milan at the end of 2018, and subsequently in New York, Tokyo and Chicago.

"Bread + Coffee", the next tuyere in China's baking market?

Market analysts said: coffee consumption taste is getting higher and higher, and the cultural charm behind it represents the unique charm of the market. At present, the rapid development of the coffee market is closely related to consumers' interest in western culture. In fact, many people have already set their sights on the bakery. Hope to introduce the coffee business model from the bakery, this logic has actually been demonstrated by the European and American markets.

In European developed countries and regions such as Germany, coffee and bread seem to go hand in hand, and the business model of providing bread in coffee shops or coffee in bakeries is very common. The traditional bakery is no longer a place for consumption, but has become a social place through the introduction of coffee.

In Germany, for example, 1500 high-end bakeries have introduced the world-famous self coffee, which has not only increased the income of the bakery, but also promoted coffee consumption and raw coffee culture, becoming a classic case of the coffee market.

The researchers found that the taste of freshly baked bread can be perfectly combined with the smell of freshly ground coffee, which maximizes people's sense of pleasure and makes people want to "drink a cup" after eating bread. Bakeries go hand in hand with coffee, which may be another driving force for the coffee market to flourish.

The lesson for China is that bakeries all over the streets may no longer be shops simply selling bread and snacks, but should be highly stylish social places that can fully satisfy the sense of pleasure. When people enjoy freshly baked bread in this place, when sitting and chatting, the best match is probably a cup of freshly ground high-quality coffee drink.