Coffee review

What is espresso Espresso the essence of Italian coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The exchange of professional baristas please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) espresso espresso is the essence of espresso. His practice originated in Italy, which means very fast in Italian, and is characterized by the use of steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid instantly. All milk coffee or fancy coffee is made on the basis of Espresso

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Espresso espresso is the essence of espresso. His practice originated in Italy, which means "very fast" in Italian, and is characterized by the use of steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid in an instant. All Milk Coffee or Fancy Coffee is based on Espresso. So Espresso is the key to testing the quality of a cup of coffee.

Italian coffee Espresso

"Espresso" means "express" or "fast" in Italian. Italian coffee is called the root of good coffee. Although the reputation of Italian coffee belongs to Italy, and the first Italian coffee E-brown machine was simply tried in France, as we know today, it was successfully developed by the Italians.

In Italy, the price of a cup of Italian coffee is controlled by the government. For Italians who want to experience the taste of extra-bitter, espresso, they use "demitasse" (which means half a cup) to enjoy this coffee, which consists of 1.5 ounces of black coffee with some excellent cream to float on top of the coffee.

Generally brewing Italian coffee at home is made using a mocha pot invented in Italy, which also uses the principle of vapor pressure to quench coffee (another Watt's apprentice). The mocha pot can make the pressurized vapor pass directly through the coffee powder, allowing the steam to pass through the cell wall of the coffee powder (or Hook's apprentice), quenching out the inner essence of the coffee, so the brewed coffee has a strong aroma and strong bitter taste, and a thin layer of coffee oil appears on the surface of the coffee, which is the source of the attractive aroma of Italian coffee.

What is "Espresso"?

"Espresso" is an Italian coffee word that means "on the spur of the moment" and "for you" (cooked right away for you). Perhaps the translation of "espresso" is not appropriate, so in a later unit, Espresso will be directly referenced and the translated name will no longer be used. What is Espresso? if you ask, you will get many different answers. Indeed, after 100 years of development, Espresso has become a kind of life and art.

Espresso is a method of brewing coffee. According to the definition of "EspressoCoffee The Chemistry of Quality", it must meet the following conditions: coffee powder content (cup) 6.5 ±1.58g water temperature (℃) 90 °±5 °water pressure 9 ±2 atmospheric pressure (bar) filtration time 30 ±5 seconds ■ water temperature: if the water temperature is too low, it will cause insufficient extraction The substance inside the coffee can not be fully released, so it can only produce a cup of Espresso with insufficient flavor and sour taste. Once the water temperature is too high, excessive extraction will make the coffee bitter and astringent. ■ water pressure: the general hot water brewing method can only extract the water-soluble substances inside the coffee, while Espresso can further extract the water-insoluble substances by high pressure. These high pressures will completely emulsify the lipids (Lipophilic Substances) inside the coffee and dissolve into the water, which is the main source of "mellow taste" (body). [P.S.] emulsification will make Espresso taste thicker, making people drink with a "velvety" feeling; and stickiness will form a lower surface tension, more able to invade the taste buds, so that mellow reverberate in the mouth for a long time. ■ filtration time: the length of filtration time will affect the amount of water output. Espresso uses high-pressure hot water to extract the flavor of coffee, which takes about 25 seconds to complete the task. (after this time, the liquid is no longer tasty and will only dilute Espresso). After the timeout, some people continue to let it out of the water and fill a cup to form a "Americano" or "Lungo", which tastes like charcoal-roasted coffee.

Espresso is a kind of cuisine due to the strong taste of Espresso, milk or other drinks will not be diluted, so a variety of additives can be made into a variety of coffee, has become a kind of cuisine. For example, Espresso is added to milk to make Capuccino or caffe Latte; chocolate sauce is added to make coffee mocha (caffe Mocha); if only milk foam is added, it is Espresso Macchiato; in addition, fresh cream can be added to make Espresso ConPanna.

Espresso is a baking method Espresso is a baking method, you can buy a bag of "Espresso" in the store, which refers to heavy-roasted coffee beans suitable for brewing into espresso. The importance of lipids has been discussed in the previous section. Emulsified lipids are the main source of alcoholic flavor, so Espresso often uses deeper baking to drive lipids to the outlet of the cell pores without spilling large amounts of coffee beans; by this time the baking temperature has exceeded 200 degrees Celsius, which may destroy the whole pot of beans in a few seconds. Therefore, the mastery of baking degree is undoubtedly an art.

Espresso is a kind of mixed coffee Espresso is a kind of integrated coffee art, which allows people to spend their whole life studying its recipe. Because of the role of high-pressure hot water, it is easy to highlight the characteristics of a single coffee bean, resulting in taste imbalance of Espresso. Therefore, coffee companies are serious about developing their own recipes, even proud of it. Generally speaking, sun-cured coffee beans are more mellow, while water-washed beans are sweeter; 1 the new beans of 2 years have a lively acidity and taste, while the old beans are steady and thick. As for the recipe, it is as difficult as writing a music concerto, which only depends on the old master's long-term experience and self-experiment. no wonder the coffee maker enjoys a high status in Italy.

Espresso is a kind of living in Italy, Espresso is simply a local life concerto. In the morning, drink a latte (Latte); then, people like to drink Espresso in the store, everyone waits in front of the bar, and after getting the first-hand coffee, they drink it in three sips. The guests in the shop know each other and talk to each other, and even the coffee maker (Barista) participates in Hara, so the cafe becomes a social place. In the United States and Taiwan, Italian cafes abound on the streets, where young people date Hara. Most of them don't drink Espresso, only cappuccino or latte with milk. Most of these young people don't know the delicacy of Espresso. They just come here to see the atmosphere of Espresso. Must, this is also a kind of Espresso life!