Coffee review

Coffee beans are better fresh? "Green beans" vs."Fresh baked beans", cooked better or worse?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchanges, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) When most people buy things, their habitual thinking is "fresh is better" and "freshly baked is better." Such ideas are also placed on coffee shopping. Therefore, many coffee shops advertise "freshly baked" and "freshly baked" coffee beans in order to maintain good taste and attract them.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When most people buy things, the habitual thinking is "fresh is better" and "freshly baked is better". This idea is also put in the purchase of coffee products. therefore, many coffee shops boast "fresh and baked" and "drink now" coffee beans can retain a good taste to attract consumers to buy first!

But we may have heard that coffee takes a period of time to grow beans to have a good taste, which seems to be a little different from what the store claims. Should we buy freshly roasted coffee beans or after the bean cultivation period?

Let's first explain the phenomenon of raw coffee beans after roasting. First of all, the volume of raw coffee beans expands 1.5 to 2 times, and numerous small pores are created in the beans. These porous tissues contain a large amount of carbon dioxide produced by baking and high volatile organic compounds, which will continue to emit a large amount of carbon dioxide within 3 to 5 days after baking, so freshly roasted coffee beans will continue to emit a large amount of carbon dioxide within 3 to 5 days after baking, so freshly roasted coffee beans are bagged for a period of time. The whole bag will bulge up because of the squeeze of carbon dioxide. If the bag does not have an one-way exhaust valve, it may affect the subsequent exhaust stability and preservation of coffee beans. At this time, the aroma of coffee beans is mainly caramel, malt and coffee.

After 3 or 5 days, the carbon dioxide emissions in beans tend to be stable, and all kinds of substances in beans also stabilize after baking and pyrolysis. at this time, we can smell the smell of coffee beans and better understand the aroma of flowers and fruits that coffee experts often say.


Next, we will talk about the brewing and extraction of coffee. When we brew coffee in hot water, the hot water will pass through the porous tissue, take away the soluble substances, and release carbon dioxide and aromatic substances, resulting in the various aromas of coffee that we smell.

So what happens when we use freshly roasted coffee beans? First of all, because carbon dioxide is heated and expelled, which offsets the pressure of hot water extraction, resulting in limited benefits of extraction in the middle of the primary stage, that is, we often say that insufficient extraction will affect the concentration of the final product of coffee and cause a sense of astringency. And because the substances in the beans continue to combine and recombine, and the aromatic substances are still not completely stable, the aroma and acid may be monotonous or too clean, lacking hierarchical and charming flower and fruit aromas. however, if this coffee bean is roasted to a deeper degree, regardless of whether it is cultivated or not, the main flavor after brewing will be caramel, malt or nuts. A large amount of carbon dioxide only has a great effect on the concentration of coffee.


Therefore, when we use coffee beans after the bean cultivation period to brew, carbon dioxide emissions have stabilized, and the combination of organic compounds has been completed, and there is less resistance when the water flows through the pore tissue, so that all kinds of coffee substances can be extracted properly, so that the coffee products can reach the concentration we need and convey the flavor characteristics of the roasted place.

The above instructions are more suitable for the extraction of general hand-flushing utensils. In the case of Italian coffee, it takes a longer period of bean cultivation to avoid the problem of insufficient extraction concentration. When buying coffee beans, of course, they are mainly fresh, but we should still pay attention to the baking date. We can get the characteristic flavor of coffee beans after the bean cultivation period, and try our best to avoid using freshly baked coffee beans to brew. It is suggested that if you have the opportunity to get coffee beans baked at different times, compare the aroma of coffee beans that have just been baked with those that have been stored for five days, so that you will have a better understanding of the importance of bean cultivation period to roasted coffee.

# the text of this article is painstakingly created by OWL, and the copyright is owned by OWL. Please indicate the source and website for reprint.

By │ Bruce Bruce

# founder of Owl Forest Coffee

# American Fine Coffee Association SCAA Bean Baker # European Fine Coffee Association SCAE Bean Baker

# European boutique coffee association SCAE gold cup brewer # European boutique coffee association SCAE sensory development

# City & Guilds International baristas in the UK