Coffee review

How do you mix espresso beans? The characteristic Story of Yunnan small Coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista exchanges please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) beans matching rules BlendingTheRules mixed beans science and art WillemBoot,roastmagazineJuly/August2006/8


Everyone has drunk a lot of lattes, but how much do you know about the coffee beans behind them? Many friends who have drunk milk coffee in the front street know that the Italian coffee beans in the front street coffee shop are made of Honduran sherry mixed with Ethiopian sun-dried red cherries. The rich aroma of wine and the right sour feeling are the reasons why everyone remembers the sunflower warm sun in the front street.

After learning that the sunflower warm sun on the front street is mixed with this Italian coffee bean formula, I will often prepare Honduras Shirley and Ethiopian sun-dried red cherry at home. When I want to make a latte by myself one day, I will make a bean by myself. Front Street needs to say something serious here:


Front Street is not here to prevent people from doing this, but two single-item hand-brewed beans and the Italian blend beans usually used to extract espresso taste different, due to the different baking curves, the finished taste is also very different.

Among the fine coffee roasters, single-serve coffee is on the rise. This is easy to understand: single-serve coffee allows roasters and retailers to introduce the best flavors of a particular region when they sell it in-store. Single-origin coffee can tell the story of its production and its unique growing environment. One example is the recent popularity of Single Origin Espresso (SOE). SOE is not necessarily equivalent to fine coffee. If a single origin coffee bean with high flavor recognition is selected as SOE, it can make a unique and typical espresso coffee. Because espresso coffee can amplify the flavor of coffee, specific flavors are more likely to be highlighted than hand-brewed forms; similarly, its shortcomings are easily amplified, so factors such as roasting and grinding will have a certain impact on flavor. For example, Ye Jia Xue Fei's citrus acid fragrance and white flower fragrance, if overturned, acetic acid smell may run out. SOE, therefore, is not necessarily better than coffee.


Bean blends are still a viable option. The friends who drink coffee beans from each producing area know that each producing area has its own characteristics, and each variety also has its own characteristics. The roaster will also specify the corresponding roasting curve for coffee beans of different varieties and different producing areas, so as to fully express their flavor characteristics.

Italian-style blend coffee beans pay attention to flavor balance, its products should not have sharp acid, bitter, astringent and other unpleasant taste. Blended beans can produce flavor that single beans do not. This is why the blend is so fascinating. Different flavors of coffee can produce unexpected results, in other words, it can be 1+1>2.

Coffee beans produced in different places, different planting altitudes and different climates have different personality flavors. Unroasted coffee beans have a grassy aroma, while Front Street coffee beans show fruity and caramel flavors after proper roasting, suitable for single-serve or blending.


When the front street is mixing Italian coffee beans, according to the taste needs of most of the small partners, four kinds of Italian coffee beans are mixed:

[Sunflower Warm Sun Comprehensive in Front Street]


An Italian blend of 70% Honduran sherry and 30% Ethiopian sun-red cherries is also being used in Front Street coffee shops. Its flavor has a clear berry fruit aroma, vanilla creamy rich, chocolate finish.

[Front Street Boutique Matching]


Front Street is a blend of 70% Brazilian coffee beans and 30% Colombia coffee beans, 100% Arabica beans. Its flavor is mild and supple, sweet, slightly sour, nutty and sweet, the overall feeling is comfortable, and the oil is medium.

[Front Street Basic Assembly]


Front Street's basic blend of Italian coffee beans is made up of 70% Brazilian coffee beans and 30% Yunnan coffee beans. Front Street's base blend has soft fruit acids, caramel sweetness, nutty and dark chocolate flavours, smooth and rich coffee and a good touch.

[Front Street Commercial Matching]


The commercial blend on Front Street uses 60 percent Brazilian coffee beans, 30 percent Colombia coffee beans and 10 percent Robusta coffee beans. From the flavor point of view, commercial coffee will taste much less than fine coffee, but only after careful blending, the coffee flavor can be excellent. Front Street This commercial blend is made with 10% Robusta coffee beans, making espresso coffee rich in fat. This commercial blend bean on the front street is sour and sweet balance, rich in nuts, cocoa flavor, caramel back sweet, and lasting aftertaste, slightly sweet and bitter.

Front Street Coffee Italian Coffee Extraction Standard

Front Street Coffee adjusts for the following factors when making espresso:

[Water Pressure]

Modern semi-automatic espresso machines can adjust the water pressure, and the ideal water pressure for espresso is generally accepted as 9 bar. If the water pressure is too low, such as 5 bar to 6 bar, the coffee oil component can be extracted relatively little, and the aroma is weak and unbalanced; if the water pressure is too high, such as 11 bar to 14 bar, too much coffee tissue will be destroyed, and some bad flavor substances in coffee will also be extracted, and the bitterness will be obvious and the taste will be rough.


[Water Temperature]

The temperature of the water depends on the coffee beans and is sometimes limited by boiler pressure. According to most coffee time experience, the water temperature is generally between 90 degrees Celsius and 93 degrees Celsius. Of course, each partner can adjust to their own needs to make their own style of drink.


The coffee powder used to make espresso coffee is very fine. When the coffee powder particles are finer, the longer the time required for water to pass through the powder layer, the slower the flow rate; if the coffee powder particles are thicker, the time required is shorter, the flow rate is faster, and it is easy to extract insufficient, resulting in low concentration, acid and thin taste.

[Powder amount]

The amount of coffee powder used depends on the size of the powder bowl. The size of the powder bowl at the Front Street Coffee Shop is 20 grams, so the barista at Front Street uses 20 grams of coffee powder when making espresso coffee.


[Extraction Volume]

The amount of extraction affects the ratio of soluble matter to water in coffee. "Coffee Professional Knowledge Book" in the explanation of the amount of extraction is described as follows: the less the amount of extraction, the stronger the coffee concentration, the stronger the aroma. If you want to present a bright aroma, increase the amount of powder and reduce the amount of extract. At the front street coffee shop, 40 grams of coffee powder was extracted.

[Extraction Time]

The extraction time is regulated in the golden rule between 25 seconds and 28 seconds. The extraction time is affected by the powder amount, grinding degree, water pressure, packing force and other comprehensive factors.


The front street store uses a Pegasus E98 espresso machine with the following extraction parameters:

Pressure: 9 bar±2

Temperature: 90.5~96℃

Time: 20~30 sec

Powder water ratio: 1:1.7~1:2

Powder: 12g (single espresso) 20g (double espresso)

Extraction concentration: 20ml (single portion) 40ml (double portion)

Can Italian coffee beans be brewed by hand?

Some friends don't like to store too many beans, but often drink espresso or make coffee in mocha pots, so there will also be such a question: Italian coffee beans can be hand-brewed?

Of course you can! The sunflower warm sun beans in the front street are darker than the Honduran Shirley and Ethiopian sun-dried red cherry hand-washed beans in the baking depth, belonging to the medium-depth roasted coffee beans. Therefore, in the selection of filter cups, KONO filter cups are selected.


Filter cup: KONO

Powder: 15g

Powder water ratio: 1:15

Water temperature: 89℃

Abrasion: EK43s #10.5

The first stage of water injection 30g steams for 30 seconds, the second stage of water injection to 125g, and the third stage of water injection to 225g. When the liquid in the filter cup completely drips to the lower container, the filter cup can be removed. The total extraction time is 2 '00'.


Front Street Sunflower Warm Sun Mix can smell fermented wine fragrance when brewing, high temperature entrance has obvious wine fragrance and dark chocolate flavor, when the temperature drops, citrus and berry acid emerge, overall clean and fresh.

For more coffee bean information, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) professional coffee knowledge exchange, please add micro signal kaixinguoguo0925