Coffee review

Which manor is the Japanese coffee giant UCC's Blue Mountain Coffee? how does UCC's coffee taste?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat cafe_style) 1981 (1981), with increasing requests for technical assistance from the governments of the United States and Jamaica in agriculture, forestry and fisheries Japan. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is such a requirement that the first chairman of last year was the all-Japan Coffee Association, said to be because Zhongyong went to the island

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In 1981 (1981), there were growing requests for technical assistance from the governments of the United States and Jamaica for agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Japan. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is such a requirement that the first president established last year is the all Japan Coffee Association, said to be because Zhongyong Shangdao, who once served as the founder of UCC time president, can be called Mecca drink "Coffee Jamaica has a wish in Shangdao Tadao you want", so strong must have readily promised a farm. However, when hesitating from the scope of the association's size and investment, Tadao Ushima we decided to promote the company as the company's UCC for this project.

The production of Blue Mountain Coffee is also very small for its noble taste and aroma, which is the most, although it has been exported to Japan, at that time it was less than 1% of Japan's overall coffee consumption. A little bit of the highest quality coffee is steadily supplied to Japan in absolute quantity, and UCC has embarked on the planting management of Blue Mountain. Of course this is my first time in the coffee industry in Japan.

Work on a farm

First of all, if you have the oldest Clayton House in Jamaica, that's where farm management began. However, Blue Mountain Coffee grows in a very limited mountain area, and even in Jamaica, which is the same area as Akita Prefecture, it is also known as the Blue Mountain area. It is not easy to grow and grow coffee on steep slopes where you cannot stand.

There are also three employees who are sent to the local area, often drinking tears to regret the occurrence of wildfires, or hiking countless mountain climbers day and night to guard, sometimes drought, hurricanes, sweltering spontaneous combustion by the hot summer just as the nature of Jamaica is exploited, his business plan is also told that it is a desktop plan. I was faced with the reality of dreaming of a farm and suppressing the Romans. But for human beings, the harsh environment is also the most ideal place for the cultivation of Blue Mountain Coffee, which retains the name of the best coffee. In order to make the best coffee from the land, Japanese staff have been stationed at the scene, stable research piles, such as how to deal with working procedures and fertilizers, and were hit by cultivation techniques led by local workers.

This is done by hand, because the management of farmers can only rely on local staff, so it is difficult to recruit local people with different customs and habits. The sudden strike happened, and the manpower could not be guaranteed. However, his enthusiasm for Blue Mountain Coffee finally crossed the border, and finally, when employees and workers worked together, full-scale agricultural management began.

On the other hand, through Zhongxiong's call on the island, in order to support representative employees to work in harsh conditions, in 1982 (1982), a "Blue Mountain Fund" was set up to gather relief supplies from many employees. The enthusiastic heart from the same country is a great encouragement to the staff of the station and brings excitement to the hard work in the area.

Enjoy the taste and smell at any time in Japan.

In February 1983, the first Blue Mountain coffee from Clayton Farm was transported to Japan over a long distance. This is the moment when Tadao Shangdao's dream has come true for many years. Everyone smelled the fragrance deeply. At present, UCC accounts for about half of the import of Blue Mountain coffee to Japan, and we are trying to supply it to Japan.

In addition, in 1989, we set up the Hawaiian Cafe in the Kona area of Hawaii and began to produce Hawaiian coffee. Even when the institution was established, a struggle began, just as bulldozers began to cultivate lava fields in Hawaii. However, through the establishment of this directly managed farm, the UCC of an integrated production system of green coffee beans has been achieved, steadily supplying high-quality coffee from all production areas to the Japanese market and expanding consumption.

The development of coffee cultivation is a process that connects people, people, countries and countries.

Blue Mountain Coffee feels sweet and Hawaiian Coffee has exhilarating acidity. Tadao Ushima's dream is to have a plantation directly managed in the production area with the respective characteristics of the important elements of coffee taste. This dream has finally come true with the support of many people.

In fiscal year 2011 (2011), UCC Holdings Limited awarded the order of Commander of distinction on behalf of Group Chairman Tatsushi Ujima reblogged from the country of Jamaica. The 30th anniversary of the founding of UCC Lanshan Zhi Ying Farm, the achievements over the years have been appreciated. The medal is designed to commemorate a person who has made a great contribution to Jamaica's politics, economy and culture, along with the country's award of the highest honor to foreigners in all fields. The Japanese became the second recipient after the late father accepted by the founder / Tadao Shimadashi in 1986.

On two directly managed farms, people who have a hard time drinking coffee today are sweating to bring a cup of joy to distant Japan. Before the war, it first touched the taste of coffee and left a deep impression. In the end, the hope of "wanting to be a farm" is a dream and romantic loyalty to the island, which has taken over the enthusiasm of UCC staff and coffee.