Coffee review

How coffee spread on the island of Reunion: an introduction to the Louis Coffee Dynasty in the world

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) this time. At the beginning of coffee cultivation, I will introduce the incidents about coffee varieties raised in different places. At that time, there were two kinds of coffee, one was grown by hand and coffee, and grew naturally. You have experienced a sudden change in transmission, and we continue to increase the number of breeding species, at this time

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


This time, at the beginning of coffee cultivation, I will introduce the incidents of "coffee variants" raised in different places.

At that time, there were two kinds of coffee, one was grown by hand and coffee, and grew naturally. You have experienced a mutation in transmission, and we continue to increase the number of breeding species. At this time, let's take a look at these two varieties, which are typical varieties at that time.

Coffee found on the island of Reunion

Located in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Reunion. The island is called the country of origin of the Bourbon dynasty. In 1711, coffee trees were found on the island of Reunion. This is a local coffee factory called Marlon Coffee, but it tastes so bitter that it can only be harvested once every two years, so it is not suitable for export.

In 1715, the seedlings of the mocha variety were brought into the team by Captain Duffray Dasar. There were sixteen withered saplings during the voyage. after all, only two were left. Cultivation and breeding is carried out with more and more propylene glycol, but it is said to be unsuccessful because a small number of seedlings are affected.

Then I succeeded in planting about 800 seedlings, and it seems that they have successfully cultivated.

Phantom Coffee "Bull Bompowante"

At the same time, this coffee in the form of "mutation" is called "bourbonponpontou".

If you are a coffee lover, you may know the name, but it was loved by the French Louis dynasty as a fantasy coffee. At the end of 1942, it had been exported to a year, but it was thought to have disappeared and restored by the "Regeneration Project", which is still regarded as a rare coffee.

Spread to every country and whirlwind destruction

Coffee grown on the island of Reunion spread not only to France but also to South America. However, with ships from the British East India Company, there is said to be no more coffee than Hiromara in the way coffee has been squeezed out into the coffee that has been grown in the West Indies.

Meanwhile, in 1805, a hurricane hit the island of Reunion. The coffee plantation on the island of Reunion was destroyed because of the terrible natural disaster. Lehua seeds were brought in late in 1810 and began to be planted again.

Marlon coffee, native to Reunion, and mocha coffee.

The famous Wangdao coffee tree in Robusta was originally native to Malone's coffee, but it is the coffee tree's mocha species that is not suitable for farming.

As the practice went on, as a mutant species, the famous bourbon leader was born, and the Louis dynasty went crazy. Coffee is hard to get at the moment, so if you find it, please find it.