Coffee review

What are the ingredients in a cup of coffee? what are the effects of the ingredients in coffee on the human body?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Communication of professional baristas Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee has a good aroma, refreshing taste, and is loved by everyone. Only ingredients and indications are important because it is often drunk every day. What is the nutritional value and effect of coffee? Coffee ingredients and indications about 99% of coffee (liquid) is water. Including protein and

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


Coffee has a good aroma and a refreshing taste, and everyone likes it.

Only ingredients and indications are important because it is often drunk every day. What is the nutritional value and effect of coffee?

Coffee ingredients and indications

About 99% of the coffee (liquid) is water. Including proteins and lipids, but very mild. If it's black, there are almost no calories.

Coffee has many indications and effects. Caffeine, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, tannins, polyphenols, brown pigments, niacin (niacin), contain certain pharmacological components such as trigonelline, but caffeine is the most famous.

Caffeine is an alkaloid (nitrogen-containing alkaline substance) that is widely found in plants and also in cocoa seeds in addition to tea and coffee beans.

* in fact, caffeine-like substances called methylxanthine are collectively referred to as caffeine. Tea contains theanine and cocoa contains theobromine, which has similar pharmacological effects, but the effect is weak.

Medicinal effects of caffeine

Eliminate drowsiness and fatigue

Increase your mind and concentrate your strength

Increase breathing and motor function

Promote diuresis

Migraine sedation

As the utility of this other coffee

Polyphenols can remove reactive oxygen species, inhibit the production of lipid peroxides, and prevent liver cancer and gastrointestinal cancer.

The effect of drinking alcohol on reducing liver burden is different from that of caffeine.

Nicotinic acid (an essential nutrient belonging to the vitamin B family) lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents arteriosclerosis

Promote the effect of diet through fat decomposition

Furan in coffee prevents bad breath by eliminating sources of odors such as garlic or leeks.

In addition, the aroma of coffee is said to contain more than 300 substances with antioxidant properties, which prevent DNA oxidation and heart aging. The effect is a cup of coffee and three oranges.

However, unless it is freshly made, it has no effect, and the effect seems to disappear after 5 minutes.

How to drink coffee effectively

Through the effect of caffeine, you can see that drinking coffee in the morning is effective.

So, when should I drink it? The best advice is after breakfast. Coffee can promote the secretion of stomach acid and help digest and ingest food in the body. As a result, by drinking coffee after a meal, what you eat can be digested smoothly without delay.

For those who feel bad appetite and indigestion, a cup after breakfast is recommended.

Coffee is bad for the stomach without breakfast.

However, there are also ways to drink alcohol that need to be noted. For example, if you don't have breakfast, and you drink coffee first. If you don't have anything to drink coffee in your stomach, you will be hurt by stomach acid. If you really don't want to eat in the morning, you'd better add milk to the coffee. Milk covers the stomach and inhibits gastritis caused by stomach acid.

Summary of the composition and efficacy of coffee

Let's pay attention to how much we drink so that we can taste coffee while being happy and healthy. This is caffeine is extremely effective, but eating too much can cause a variety of diseases.

Coffee is said to be a moderate drink of about three cups a day. Please have a cup of coffee in the morning. Have a nice day.