Coffee review

How to improve the skill of Coffee pattern drawing quickly what are the exercises about Coffee pattern drawing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to quickly improve the skill of Coffee pattern the practice of Coffee pattern what are the basic skills of Coffee pattern is a skill improvement method that is highly valued by beginners or practitioners, even experienced baristas. What are the basic skills? It can be roughly summarized as follows: foam, selection of treatment exercises, fusion of injection exercises, shaking of cylinder nozzles, up and down practice diversion, front

How to improve the skill of Coffee pattern drawing quickly what are the exercises about Coffee pattern drawing

The practice of the basic skills of coffee drawing is for beginners or practitioners, even experienced baristas are very valued as a way to improve their skills. What are the basic skills? It can be summarized as follows:

Foam, handling exercises

Select points and inject exercises

Fusion and sloshing exercises

Cylinder mouth, practice up and down

Diversion and forward tilting exercises

Current control and swing exercises

Straight line, closing exercise

Composition, combination exercises

These basic skills can be practiced in groups and systematically like fitness by using Shimizu or the legendary "mistress".

How to quickly improve the skill of coffee flower drawing in a short time?

1. Follow a master and complete your study under guidance

2. Watch more study videos and complete the promotion in the exercise.

3. Participate in the coffee competition and finish the summary in the competition

4. Enroll in the flower drawing course and complete the skills in the training.

There are no shortcuts to skills, the so-called short time, fast curative effect, not easy to relapse, these all come from the tireless practice after mastering the skills!