Coffee review

What are the common mistakes in coffee brewing? Which step is the most important in the process of making coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the seven factors that affect hand-brewed coffee in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are mainly the following problems in the process of brewing coffee. First of all, when choosing raw beans, there is no cup test and scoring for raw beans, so the quality of raw beans can not be guaranteed. When baking, everyone will have one like this.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Seven factors affecting hand-brewed coffee

There are mainly the following problems in the process of brewing coffee. First of all, there is no cup test and scoring for raw beans in the selection of raw beans, so the quality of raw beans can not be guaranteed.

When baking, everyone will have such a misunderstanding that the better the quality of raw beans, the easier it will be to bake, but in fact this is not the case. on the contrary, the higher the quality of coffee, the more difficult it will be when roasting, and it will be more necessary for the roaster to have a higher level of coffee roasting.

On the other hand, the level of the baker is mainly investigated through the experience, professional level and talent of the baker. A professional baker cannot do without any of these three potentials, so if he wants to reach the level of an expert, none of these three potentials can be lost.

Which step is the most important in the coffee making process? The answer is that every step is important, because no matter which step there is a little flaw, it will be directly reflected in the taste of the coffee. The above also mentioned some misunderstandings in the coffee brewing process, so in their own coffee brewing, you can properly pay attention to some related mistakes, so as to ensure the quality of coffee.

There will be a lot of processes in the process of coffee making, so which step is the most important in the process of coffee making? What other common mistakes do we make when making coffee? In fact, in the coffee brewing process, we need to follow certain standard production steps, but not every step after the implementation of a good cup of coffee. There are many common but little-known mistakes in the preparation of coffee.

The process of making coffee is known by many coffee lovers as freshly roasted coffee with relatively high quality, and then brewing coffee with different brewing methods and different gouache ratio is the best. but in fact, coffee brewing is not such a simple process, and in the simple process above, many people will make some small mistakes. In the end, it did not brew a cup of high-quality coffee.