Coffee review

Fresh coffee bean preservation tips! Coffee bean preservation tips complete!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional barista communication Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) All the time, we have received many consumers asking us about the preservation method of coffee beans, what is the best? I've heard a lot of stories about refrigerators, too. Freezer? Put it in the corner? % pw, some strange and interesting statements have come out. Besides smiling bitterly, I have to admire consumption.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For a long time, we have received a lot of consumers asking us about the preservation of coffee beans, what is the best?

Have you also heard a lot of legends, such as putting refrigerators? Put it in the freezer? Put it in the corner? Put. Some strange and interesting statements have come out. Apart from a wry smile, we have to admire that consumers are always creative. (laughter)

In fact, as we have shared before, it is not difficult to preserve coffee beans (powder) at all.

Once again simplify the coffee beans, save the three small steps, quickly take notes with us!

● step 1: sealed cans are absolutely invincible!

Coffee beans have a "life cycle", and the length of this life cycle depends on how you save it! Humid and hot environments will greatly shorten the life cycle of coffee beans and accelerate the loss of coffee aroma, so we suggest that after the coffee beans are opened, they should be stored in glass or stainless steel sealed cans to keep the coffee beans in their best condition! This kind of bean storage jar usually does not absorb and retain the smell, as long as it is cleaned (and be sure to wipe dry) after each use, the next time you add new coffee beans will not mix up the previous taste.

Tips: storage tanks made of plastic material are not recommended. Plastic is easy to cause odor residue, and it is relatively difficult to remove oil dirt and residual smell after use.

● step 2: placement is also a great knowledge!

Don't think it's all right if you put it in a sealed jar. The placement should not be ignored. It must be placed indoors in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight and cause coffee beans to deteriorate.

Tips: shade means indoors. Coffee beans are not fresh fruits and vegetables that need to be frozen. As soon as they are taken out of the refrigerator, they will produce moisture. Never put them in the refrigerator.

● step 3: the ultimate way to keep fresh is to "finish it as soon as possible"!

Coffee beans to maintain the secret of mellow and delicious, never take off "fresh"! As long as you remember, any food will have its best shelf life, and so will coffee beans. Of course, the flavor will decline rapidly day by day. From the roasting date of the coffee, the best taste period is less than two weeks. Therefore, we also advise you not to buy too much at a time, even if you drink it every day, you can buy half a pound at a time.

Tips: no matter which preservation method you use, of course, buy freshly roasted coffee beans and drink them as soon as possible!

As for why it is listed as the first step in the sealed jar? Of course, considering the use habits of modern people, the problem of storage is still what everyone cares about most, and special bean cans can not only isolate the air and moisture, and provide a good place for coffee beans, but now on the market, there are many sealed storage cans of different styles and shapes, so that "bean storage cans" are not only a single commodity, but also beautiful utensils for home decoration.

When preparing items related to coffee brewing, don't forget that "bean cans" are also one of the most important must-haves.