Coffee review

The definition of Italian coffee beans what does Italian blending mean? Is it okay to make mocha pot coffee with Italian style?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) coffee bean matching knowledge Italian coffee bean formula sharing Italian coffee bean is actually a kind of mixed formula beans, most will combine more than three different producing areas of coffee beans to mix, the proportion is also free to change, coffee players can make different changes at any time

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The knowledge of blending coffee beans Italian blending coffee bean formula sharing

Italian coffee beans are actually a kind of mixed formula beans, most of which will be mixed with more than three kinds of coffee beans from different producing areas, and the proportion is also free to change. Coffee players can make different changes at any time, and the shop owner can not change from time to time. Otherwise, it will fall into comments of unstable quality, there is no so-called standard formula, only whether you like whether the guests pay the bill or not, in fact, the famous coffee beans imported from Italy Its beans are not coffee beans grown in Italy. They also buy raw coffee beans from coffee producing areas around the world, then mix them, bake them, package them with their own trademarks, and sell them in advertisements. This is how well-known brands come out.

The part of Italian coffee baking is roughly divided into two groups, one likes to mix first and then bake, and the other is baked separately according to various producing areas before mixing beans, of course, the flavor will be different, first talk about the way of mixing and then baking, its advantage is that the mixing will be more completely because the time of a pot of baking is about 25 minutes, using a baking drum or hot air stirring. Roasting all kinds of coffee beans for such a long time should have been fully mixed. When grinding beans, they can make sure that the amount of coffee powder used by each kind of coffee beans in each cup of coffee is ground, and the flavor and taste are relatively consistent. In addition, the bean color will be more uniform and beautiful visually, and the baking method done at one time is very convenient regardless of the amount of roasting. Let's talk about the advantages of baking before mixing, this way can control the soybeans in each producing area to understand its hardness, water content, and baking degree, such as nutty, flower, cocoa, fruit, acidity, bitterness, highlight his individual baking, a skilled baker must be able to master the characteristics of each bean in order to fully show its unique flavor, the sense of hierarchy is richer than the former.

The individual disadvantage is that you can't have the advantages of another way, there is no comprehensive method, everything seems to be one and two sides, depending on which way you like and how it tastes, is it difficult to bake coffee? In fact, it can be compared with cooking. Fast frying and slow frying will have different results. Fast frying can retain more aroma, slow frying can ensure that it is fully cooked, and fried charcoal can burn more aroma. The taste is cleaner and refreshing without fried charcoal. People's taste is always changing. Which is better if you want barbecue today and porridge tomorrow? If you want to start a business and open a store, you'd better choose one. Guests will naturally choose to come to your door when they think of your special taste.
