Coffee review

The difference between positive push, reverse push and embossed Tulip pull Coffee Tulip Video

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee pattern demonstration: how to push tulips? Tulip pattern decomposition today brings you a video explanation of pushing tulips, embossed tulips and reverse tulips, going straight to the topic: production ingredients: Espresso:30ml milk:330ml

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee pull demonstration: how to push tulips? Tulip pattern decomposition

Today, I will bring you a video explanation of tulips, embossed tulips and anti-tulips. Let's get to the point:

Production ingredients:


Milk:330ml or so

Pull flower vat:

Round mouth pull vat

Compared with the pointed mouth pull vat, the mouth shape is wider and shallower, his flow control will be wider, and the pull shake operation will be a little thicker, so it will be relatively easy to make push hearts (tulip flowers) and heart-shaped coffee flowers. [coffee utensils] the influence of the mouth of the flower jar on the flower jar, and the selection of the brand of the flower jar

Flowering point:

Blossom point: refers to the point from which the liquid surface is used to shake the flower, and the flowering point determines the final position of the pattern in the cup. The flowering point of tulip pattern is usually in the middle of the distance between the center of the liquid surface and the cup wall.

Pushing tulips

Production focus:

The main practice is how to push.

Flower drawing steps:

1. Pour the milk foam into the coffee liquid in circles (3 laps).

2. Find the middle point of the cup, increase the flow near the cup to the maximum, and stop the injection until a white ball appears on the surface of the coffee.

3. The second injection point should be a little further back, and the injection can be stopped with a large flow during injection, and the injection can be stopped by "pushing" the white ball.

4. Repeat "push" the petals of tulips

5. After the last ball appears, it immediately reduces the flow and takes it out in a straight line.

Reference video:

Embossed tulip

Production focus:

Embossed tulips pay attention to the range of swing, not too fast, do not worry about too little embossing, you can only push forward twice, when skilled, you can add some embossing appropriately, push forward a few more times, you can make the pattern more beautiful.

Flower drawing steps:

1: merge to 4 / 4 full, 1/3 position selected point injection, pull flower jar close to the edge of the coffee cup.

2: move slowly to the center position and pay attention to the slight swing from left to right.

3: when the embossed back flow, reduce the flow, speed up the swing, pay attention to the amplitude of the swing.

4: to improve the flower jar, this step is similar to that of leaves.

Re-inject at 5: 1/3, pay attention to the flow rate and the height of the cylinder, then push forward and pay attention to the pattern change of the arrow position.

6: push until the pattern is surrounded, raise and pull the vat, fine collection, there will be a small gap.

7: inject again, grasp the flow, pull the jar's mouth on the coffee liquid level, push forward, and pay attention to the small gap in the previous push pattern.

8: when the "petal" is surrounded by the previous "petal", if you raise the vat and collect it carefully, it will still leave a small gap.

9: inject again, swing slightly from side to side, stay to form a small heart, pay attention to the gap change in the position of the black line.

10: improve the flower jar and control the flow rate.

11: you can clearly see how the "petals" are formed, and you must pay attention to the flow when collecting.

Reference video:

Push back tulips

Production focus:

Size control of position and amplitude when practicing rocking patterns

The rotation skills of coffee cups when cooperating with flower drawing

To achieve the effect of reverse push and pull flowers.

Production steps:

1. When the milk foam and Italian concentrate are mixed to five minutes full, put the flower jar near the middle of the cup.

2. Shake the jar back from the middle of the cup to show the pattern of the first leaf.

3. The shape of the water ripple lines of the leaves is formed. It should be noted that after the cup is controlled at eight minutes full, stop injecting milk.

4. After rotating the cup 180 degrees, lower the flower jar behind the original line pattern and begin to inject milk foam.

5. Begin to launch the first circular arc, the second, the third. Pay attention to the size of the control flow

6. at the end, pull all the lines, improve the flower jar, complete the reverse push (leaves, tulips) pattern, and pay attention to the control of milk quantity.

[reference video]:

Video source: Liu Qiang

And finally,

Practice, practice.