Coffee review

The basic principle of hand-brewing coffee injection: stable, uniform and efficient extraction environment

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-brewed coffee steaming and water injection methods hand-brewed coffee water temperature and powder ratio coffee brewing lies in the extraction, how to brew a cup of delicious coffee, that is, a stable, uniform and efficient extraction environment first talk about the basic principles: 1. Stability of brewing amount and extraction environment

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Methods of steaming and water injection of hand-brewed coffee data of water temperature and powder-to-water ratio of hand-made coffee

Coffee brewing lies in extraction. How to brew a cup of delicious coffee is a stable, uniform and efficient extraction environment.

Let's start with the basic principles:

1. The stability of the brewing volume and extraction environment; that is, the same environment every time, even if one person or three or five people or a dozen people want to drink hand-made coffee. Each brewing is the same number of utensils. Of course, I am used to brewing with silly dad filter rack 1 murmur2 filter paper for 2 people. As for people who brew multiple pots in multiple stages or 2 Murray 3 pots at the same time-as for the same extraction conditions such as 20g brewing 300ml, the same extraction conditions can be reduced.

two。 Constant brewing procedure; in short, pouring powder (powder pile), steaming, water injection arch powder layer (rising tide lifts all boats), maintaining high water level and continuous brewing (surface tension). Finally, you can check whether there is a uniform extraction powder layer in the following figure.

Among them

The rising tide lifts the boat: the powder layer is arched from the central water injection with a water column, and the bubbles are not allowed to flow from the top to the filter paper. The size of the copper plate is about 10 yuan. To form an effective extraction powder layer.

Surface tension: when you reach the water column full of the filter cup, you don't really want to see the coffee extract like the convex arch of the filter paper, but in the case of an effective extraction powder layer, in addition to continuous water injection to maintain the same level of water flow, feel the water pressure to continue to squeeze into the powder layer (but not eroded down), so that the effective and compact powder layer passes through the coffee extract. Its path is not only uniform, but also an efficient extraction environment.

Uniform and efficient extraction: it is predicted that when the amount of water in the next pot reaches the predetermined brewing amount, the water injection will be stopped. finally, the extraction condition of the cup can be judged from the powder layer structure.

a. The thickness of the powder layer is too thick and there is a sliding phenomenon: that is, when the powder layer is not compact enough and the extraction efficiency is insufficient, when maintaining the surface tension of the full filter cup, the deep baked beans should squeeze the filter paper wall powder layer as far as possible. The shallow baked beans should feel the powder layer squeezed down to the filter paper wall from the central area, and feel the force of the water column to squeeze out a compact powder layer.

b. Crooked powder layer: in fact, sometimes it is not a crime of war, the influence of hand flushing kettle water column is great, the flow should be controlled freely, and the large water column will not rush forward. If there is a thin powder layer in the direction of 10 o'clock, it can be corrected by injecting water as close to 4 o'clock as possible. When the extraction powder layer is more uniform, it also represents the more uniform coffee extraction environment.

c. The powder layer is gone: only the flat-bottomed coffee grounds can be seen after brewing, -- there may be no effective containment layer, that is, the coffee powder layer is not pushed upward during the rising tide, or finally the thin powder layer on the edge of the filter paper is brushed off with a water column. Of course, this situation is very easy to happen in shallow baked beans, so try to inject water in the center when injecting water, not too close to the edge of the filter paper.

After talking about the efficient hand extraction method, let's take a look at the business efficiency hand punch environment (hand flush bar). The following hand punch rack is a three-cup punch rack, which is designed to make the handcups have a positioning, and the brewing process is smoother and more efficient, -- just like the picture below, Ogishang hand flushing, left hand cloth on the table is also a standard posture XD--, so the three cups of hand punch should be business standard utensils.

Recently very popular Kinto CARAT metal filter cup, I believe that many people do not expect brewing results after starting, general common problems metal filter slag problems and extraction taste tend to be light.

In fact, the design of the Kinto CARAT metal filter cup is 4murmur8 cups of Size, many people can not achieve the extraction environment of the design if they use it to flush 1 Murray and 2 cups. Please observe carefully that there is still a space between the glass filter cups around the metal filter cups. In fact, this filter cup is designed to brew 40Muk 60g coffee powder when the water is full of filter cups (the volume of many demonstration films abroad) The metal filter screen and the glass filter cup will form a so-called brewing containment environment, which is the effective extraction environment mentioned above.

Of course, our coffee shop owner is brewing a small number of cups (1m / m / m / 2). In order to remove the metal mesh coffee grounds and also have the same barrier to effectively extract the powder layer, he put a piece of flannel filter cloth between the metal mesh glass filter cups, and the coffee should have extraction efficiency.

Go again on that day, -- take a closer look at whether Auguisan's left hand is still on the table on the dishcloth XD--.

No, it's the coffee liquid that surrounds the extraction and the brewing environment is more obvious.

It turns out that this time to get a Syphon filter cloth at the bottom, in addition to filtering the metal filter mesh fine powder, there is only so much XD-- filter cloth in the hole under the glass filter cup to filter. It also makes the metal mesh and the glass really form an effective barrier brewing environment--

Therefore, even if a small amount of extraction 18 Murray 20g does not form an extraction powder layer in the metal filter, but with containment, it can still have effective extraction efficiency-- in fact, to brew this filter cup, there are really no two brushes without understanding the extraction-- there is no dislike of the river bend in the boat.

After the introduction of the metal hand punching frame for business use--

Finally, let's take a look at a cup of hand rack. This is a hand rack / earbag rack developed and manufactured by Zhang Xiaozuo, a coffee enthusiast. The original intention of the design is to make a cup of coffee no longer get in the way. A hand slippery knocked over the coffee that was finally brewed by a hard block-- the same reason as a business hand fight-- positioning the hand brewing equipment to make it easier to brew--

Of course, every time the coffee is brewed, it is extracted so steadily and efficiently.

Haha-- next time I'll tell you how to put the coffee pot on this hand rack and you can also brew it.
