Coffee review

What does cafe mean in French? How to pronounce cafe correctly? The difference between cafe and coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the difference between Coffee shop and caf? What's the difference between cafe and coffee? Caf can refer to a small restaurant serving hot food in the United States, while in continental Europe it generally refers to coffee, with cakes and Lasagne at most.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What's the difference between Coffee shop and cafe? The difference between cafe and coffee. What does cafe mean?

Coffee é in the United States can refer to small restaurants serving hot meals, while in continental Europe it generally refers to coffee-based cafes, with cakes, Lasagne and other snacks at most. Coffee shop or coffee house in the United States refers to cafes that sell coffee-based hot drinks. The term is not common in continental countries, and if there is, it is usually a fine coffee store that also sells coffee beans / powder. In the Netherlands, coffeeshop refers specifically to cafes that sell marijuana, while ordinary cafes are called caf é. The third word related to coffee is cafeteria. In Spain (cafeteria í a) or Italy (caffetteria), the word is equivalent to (actually abbreviated) cafe / caff è, referring to a cafe; in other countries, it can refer to a cafeteria, or a place where coffee and snacks are sold, where there is no service and you have to carry your own dishes (and clean them).

The difference is that the former must be a coffee shop, while the latter may just be a school canteen.

It is said that besides the coffee shop, cafe also has the meaning of canteen. He often eats the school's cafe when he is studying. That's what the sign says.