Coffee review

[Coffee Cup Aesthetics] What about coffee cup selection? Find your own cup!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Carefully brew a cup of coffee with your favorite instrument: coffee cup aesthetics coffee flavor even changes with the cup. After learning how to choose coffee cups that even coffee experts value, go to the origin of each coffee appliance and find your own coffee cup! First of all, how to choose a coffee cup? Drinking the same coffee, but because of the shape of the coffee cup, material

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Carefully make a cup of coffee with your favorite utensils: coffee cup aesthetics

The flavor of coffee may even change from cup to cup. Learn that even coffee experts attach importance to the selection of coffee cup basis, go to the origin of various coffee utensils, and find your own coffee cup!

First of all, starting from the basics, how to choose a coffee cup? When drinking the same coffee, they will feel different sour and bitter tastes because of the shape and material of the coffee cup. There are three important points in choosing a coffee cup.

1. The color of the inside

Vision has a great influence on the sense of taste. If you choose a ceramic coffee cup or a cup with color on the inside, it is difficult to distinguish the color during the extraction, and the judgment of shade is easy to be distorted. When you want to enjoy the amber color of coffee while drinking, it is recommended to choose a coffee cup with a white inside.

two。 The width of the cup body

The structure of the tongue is sweet at the tip of the tongue, sour and bitter on the side and at the root of the tongue. The open cup can fill the mouth of the coffee, which is especially suitable for coffee with obvious sour taste. On the other hand, the slender coffee cup will cause the coffee to rush directly to the throat, making it easy to feel bitter.

3. The thickness of the cup edge

The thinner the edge of the coffee cup, the less likely it will interfere with the feeling of the coffee entrance. Some people say that a thicker coffee cup will make people pay attention to the texture of the cup in hand, but it is not suitable to taste coffee, but many people actually prefer coffee cups with a handle.

Learn the knack of choosing coffee cups to make coffee time better

Although they can be called coffee cups, they are actually very diverse, ranging from standard cups to lattes. Kentaro Maruyama, the owner of Maruyama Coffee, said, "the choice of coffee cups should not be limited by tedious principles. It is best to choose what you like." I used to think that coffee cups made of porcelain can best feel the original flavor of coffee, but when it comes to the origin of coffee, local people can also drink fragments of bamboo and pottery, which has changed my definition of coffee cups. " The basic key points such as the color of the inside of the cup, the width of the cup body, and the thickness of the cup edge are mastered, and then it is up to your favorite texture or design to choose.

Types of professional coffee cups

Professional coffee cups can bring out the flavor of coffee, because a wide variety of coffee cups have their own meticulous functions, here only introduce a few representative coffee cups.

Latte Cup: happiness held in both hands

A bowl-shaped coffee cup without a handle. Born in France, it is used to dip bread with lattes to eat coffee cups, and recently more and more stores have chosen them.

Capacity: 300 kilograms

Standard coffee cup: the representative of coffee cup

Common coffee cups are not only suitable for black coffee, but also suitable for holding lattes or cappuccinos.

Capacity: 120mm ~ 140cc

Mugs: easy to use anytime, anywhere

A large cup that is common and easy to use at home and in the office, no matter what to drink. The barrel-shaped cup body is most helpful when you want to taste the bitterness of coffee.

Capacity: 180 ~ 250cc

Breakfast cup: when you want to drink for a long time

One lap bigger than the standard cup, whether you want a lighter American coffee or a larger latte.

Capacity: 160mm ~ 180cc

Espresso cup (Demitasse Cup): taste espresso

Espresso special cup, demi means "half" in Latin and tasse means "cup". It is the most suitable cup when you want to have a strong taste of Italian coffee.

Capacity: 60 ~ 80cc

Double espresso cup: redouble the taste of espresso

The cup size is between half (demi) and standard (standard) cups, and is reserved for double espresso. People who have an Italian coffee maker at home are suitable for having such cups.

Capacity: 80 ~ 100cc

Porcelain and pottery

The history of coffee cups comes from European princes and aristocrats. Since the 18th century, famous porcelain brands such as Meissen porcelain in Germany have been born one after another. Japan also had a period of porcelain fad. for some time, porcelain cups must be used to drink coffee, but recently, the choice of cups has become more and more free, and more and more people have chosen pottery and glass cups. Carefully choose the material of the coffee cup, coffee time will be more enjoyable.

The advantage of pottery lies in its texture, and the warm and thick touch of clay gives people a warm and relaxed mood. Transparent (glass) coffee cups are suitable for presenting the art of coffee.

(this article is excerpted from the editorial Department of Fang Publishing House, FOOD DICTIONARY Coffee, published by Dayi. )