Coffee review

How to make coffee powder of Italian style and siphon coffee? can coffee powder be brewed directly?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) coffee powder how to affect the taste-common grinding thickness figure 1, espresso coffee base: Espresso Espresso coffee in recent years, popular in countries all over the world, has also become a trend in Taiwan, what is the amazing charm of Espresso Espresso coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How does the thickness of coffee powder affect the taste-common grinding thickness picture

I. the way of brewing Italian coffee

Espresso base: Espresso

In recent years, Espresso coffee has become popular in various countries all over the world, and it has also become a trend in Taiwan. What is its amazing charm?

Espresso originally refers to a high-pressure and rapid method of brewing coffee, but coffee brewed in this way is also called "Espresso". When brewing coffee in this way, the ground soft powder of the same size is first compacted with a filler. The coffee bean powder in the filter must be strong and tight to form a cake-shaped coffee block to resist the hot water pressure of 8~9bar when cooking. Hot water under strong pressure, looking for a way to soak the coffee block, when the coffee block filling pressure is closely consistent, each coffee bean powder can be extracted evenly by hot water, complete into the cup, instantly get a small cup of rich and aromatic espresso, whether the pressure and resistance can achieve a balanced symmetry, is an indispensable important factor to brew a cup of thick and delicious Espresso coffee.

Because Espresso uses the pressure of 8~9bar to force hot water to pass through coffee powder quickly, so the extraction time of each cup of coffee only takes about 25 to 30 seconds, saving a lot of time and cost, because the time for water to pass through coffee powder is very short, so the grinding scale needs to be fine and stable.

In order to get good grinding quality, a good bean grinder is indispensable, because it is only possible to get a good cup of coffee by using a bean grinder with fast cutting, slow temperature rise, uniform fine density and fresh coffee beans.

A good cup of Espresso coffee should be strong but not too bitter. With milk and milk foam, you can get a cup of fragrant milk coffee (Latte or Cappuccino). Mellow Espresso and fine milk foam attract the majority of consumers in a short time, creating a booming coffee market!

Second, the way to brew individual coffee.

Hand-held coffee

Preparation before soaking:

Use special filter paper Kallita or Mellita, fold filter paper ─ and take a piece of filter paper to check for damage or moisture.

Fold the side of the filter paper joint forward and press about the width of one joint edge.

Then fold back at the bottom of the filter paper, opposite to the side

The width of the same joint edge is pressed in the direction.

In this way, the fiber of the filter paper in this case

It will be pulled in both directions, and the filter paper will be natural.

Hold it open.

Then spread the filter paper by hand and form it into a funnel.

It is placed in the filter and pasted flat on the filter. Filter paper such as

If it is not closed on the appliance, there is a gap between it (

If there is an air layer, the cavity will hinder the infiltration of boiled water.

The normal passage of coffee liquid. Let both on the filter

There is no gap in order to make him flow naturally.


Take the right amount of coffee beans (about 10 grams per spoonful)

The amount of each cup is about 1215g.

The picture shows a business bean grinder, which will serve the coffee beans you need.

In terms of quantity grinding, the ideal grinding should be in accordance with:

1. Stable grain size

two。 The fever and the amount of fine powder can be controlled to a minimum.

3. Select the particle size suitable for bubbling.

4. Use raw materials for fresh grinding

Pick up the filter and tap the filter with the palm of your hand to make the coffee

The powder is sturdy because of the vibration of the tap.

Then put the filter back on the filter pot.

Pour 10cc of boiled water into a glass pot at medium temperature. In the process of soaking, it is best not to let the temperature of the coffee change only if possible, so it is best to get into the habit of starting with the maintenance of utensils.

Shake the kettle so that the temperature of the glass pot rises and then pours.

Drop, put the filter with coffee powder on the top.


The first cooling ~ put the kettle on the wet towel and

Add cold water to boiling water to cool for 25-30 seconds, water

The temperature dropped to 93 degrees c. The purpose of cooling is to avoid coffee.

Coffee powder was scalded by direct contact with boiling water.

It affects the aroma and taste of the coffee.

Then, using a very fine water flow from the center of the filter to spiral out, and then rotate repeatedly in the same direction from the outside to the inside, the water flow is stable and uninterrupted.

The amount of water is just enough to wet the coffee powder and stop when the water drops into the glass pot for about 3 drops.

The amount of water is just enough to wet the coffee powder.

Will swell by absorbing water and give off a fragrant smell.

This step is called steaming. At this time, the holding furnace should be used.

Turn on the switch to prevent the coffee from cooling and affecting the taste.

Continue to put the kettle after the second cooling ~ steaming

Cool the wet towel for 25-30 seconds, and the water temperature drops to 91.

About C is the most suitable for brewing coffee.

According to the way of steaming water, but the current can be thicker.

The biggest skill of brewing follicular coffee is to control the thickness and stability of the water. The stable and moderate flow spirals outward from the central point of the filter, just like a stirring bar stirring the coffee powder and hot water evenly, releasing all the concentrated alcohol sweetly.

Spin and circle to inject the right amount of water, and the water level is just right.

To the edge of the filter, and finally the water is injected at the center of the circle.

Water, that is, to complete the perfect bubble. Finished coffee

It will be a little more than the cup, in order to leave a little bit for

The bubbler tries to drink. Be careful not to let the water flow before it is moved.

Remove the filter, which will make the coffee astringent.

When finished, the coffee powder left is evenly distributed on the filter paper.

This is why the coffee powder is uniform in the filter.

And proof of full tumbling. So, coffee.

It is not easy to produce miscellaneous smell and can be extracted completely.

The coffee has four flavors and one fragrance. There should be coffee powder with stickers.

Slag, stable and uniform flow control is important

The key!

Finally, the coffee is poured into the cup at about 85 degrees C and sent to the guest's table at 80 degrees 82 degrees C. please remember that the coffee is placed in a hot cup.

So please warm the coffee cup in advance to ensure the temperature of the coffee.

Please enjoy a cup of follicular coffee while it is hot!

Second, the way to brew individual coffee.

Siphon teapot bubble

Siphon coffee brewing method, also known as air stopper or vacuum pot, is used by many coffee companies in Taiwan because of its beautiful shape, dramatic cooking process and strong aroma of coffee.

The plug kettle is basically composed of two glass balls, one on top of the other, separated by a filter with a filter cloth in the middle.

First of all, put boiling hot water in the lower glass ball, depending on the size of the coffee cup used to determine the amount of hot water, the average cup of coffee needs about 140~150c.c. After that, fix the pot with the filter cloth on the base, pour in the ground coffee bean powder, and heat the water in the pot by alcohol lamp or other heat source.

After the water boils, the steam pressure forces the water to rise through the pipe. At this time, the coffee bean powder in the upper pot comes into contact with hot water and mixes it like mud through the action of stirring, dissolving out the four flavors and one fragrance of coffee. Let the coffee and water fully soak and extinguish the fire source. After the air in the lower ball cools, a vacuum will be formed. The coffee liquid will be sucked back into the base through the filter cloth. At this time, the coffee will be poured into the preheated cup, and you can indulge in its unique fragrance and sip its taste of both joys and sorrows.

When siphon brewing coffee, the cleaning and preservation of the filter cloth is quite troublesome. After its first use, the cloth changes from white to brown, accumulating fat and protein that cannot be completely removed. Contact with the air will produce a disgusting stench, seriously affecting the taste of coffee.

Some people keep the used filter cloth in a cup of water, which is a good way, but pay attention to changing the water frequently. Here is a delightful piece of good news to users: at present, discarded filter paper can replace the traditional filter cloth, which has the advantages of hygiene, convenience and cheapness, which is a great blessing for those who love siphon bubbles.
