Coffee review

Can American coffee lose weight? Why is American coffee popular in coffee shops everywhere?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) [cold knowledge] Flat White and American coffee do you really know how to do it? Many years ago, I worked on the large and bustling trading floor of a large overseas bank, which was part of a small trading team made up of American books. Every Friday, before we

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[cold knowledge] do you really know how to do Flat White and American coffee?

Many years ago, I worked on the large and bustling trading floor of a large overseas bank, which was part of a small trading team made up of American books. Every Friday, in the great joy of the people around us, several huge British bond salesmen provide us with coffee-short American coffee, of course.

Ah, wit! In any case, on one side of the gilded age of these memories, I never thought about most of American coffee before opening a cafe. Frankly, I used to think it was a shoddy drink: usually bad espresso diluted boiling water. As a cafe owner, I certainly appreciate the reasons behind the drink, and now I only think about its preparation to a large extent.

There is a good reason for American coffee even for cafes with lots of coffee (like us! For many customers, this is just their default order. Maybe they have been traumatized by bad intermittent coffee, or just like coffee, but find it too strong. After all, coffee is what makes a coffee shop different. Maybe they like the "richer" taste of American coffee because more coffee oil is passed through metal espresso portafilter baskets than paper filters usually used for intermittent brewing.

There is a second category of "why", which is a more specific, our store. We do not sell tons of decaffeinated, and decaffeinated orders, one number is "semi-cafe" (difficult to accommodate standard settings). Instead of being dedicated to a low-caffeinated grinder (destined to be rarely called and cleared at the end of the day, wasting a ton of coffee relative to the amount used in the beverage, or leaving a complete oxidized beans hopper), we always have small in our EK43 grinder, our single dose of fresh low-caffeinated quantity (in the ratio of caffeinated to decaffeinated beans to adapt to order). We don't pour coffee, so American coffee is the most effective way to provide us with decaf cups. The specific reason for the second store is that the spectrum of our roasted coffee goes from light to medium, but it is never dark. As the sole producer of "home" espresso, we are deeper than most other coffees on our roster and tend to have a more familiar "comfort cup" shape. So when a customer asks for a "black roast", we usually give them an American coffee, which almost always makes them happy.

In any case, American coffee is a surprisingly popular drink and some cafes should really be ready, but I doubt it's too little. There are many traps (at least to make my favorite type of American coffee). First, many stores, even the most advanced there, use a more traditional Italian influence of family espresso (a deeper roasting that usually involves South American and naturally processed beans). I don't think these coffees translate very well, because they don't have a lot of clear cups of American coffee; diluted with water, they can be delicious turbid and gray. Secondly, it is very difficult to extract espresso correctly. To achieve 20-22% extraction (a fairly optimal taste balance range in which you will really taste in a slower experience, longer drinks like American coffee), you really need a first-class and well-maintained grinder and a higher beverage quality ratio than the typical bean dosage. Third, I think most cups of American coffee are too diluted in order to get the power of the drink (the ideal place is between 1.25 and 1. 5% Coffee substance), whether American Coffee can be a complete 12oz, unless the store dose their espresso with 20g + (and extract > 20%). Finally, the water used in the cup should not be > 200F (even though many customers like their cup of American coffee hot. As the water gets hot, the drink will be much hotter than most intermittent coffee, and customers risk burning, not tasting anything, but "hot". Although I really want to use 175F water to balance the taste and demand of "hot", I prefer to use 190F water. Water should not come from the coffee maker hot water distributor (because it is too hot and keeps the machine long-lived).

In any case, these complaints reflect my personal preferences-but they are also in line with the general principles of brewing and making quality drinks.

American coffee English is Americano or drip coffee originally there is no American coffee in the United States.