Coffee review

Global Starbucks latte price comparison of Starbucks 2017 coffee price list

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) various rare coffee varieties introduction and variety naming methods sigh in Hong Kong Cup Starbucks latte turns out to be the most expensive in Asia and more expensive than London and Paris! The website Thrillist collected data from 30 major cities around the world last month to compare purchases from different places.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction and nomenclature of various rare coffee varieties

In Hong Kong, Starbucks latte turns out to be the most expensive in Asia, and it is more expensive than London and Paris! The website Thrillist last month collected data from 30 major cities around the world and compared the prices of a Starbucks grande latte (large latte) in different places and found that the price difference was staggering.

At the top of the list is Zurich, Switzerland, where a Starbucks grande latte costs US $6.96 (HK $52), a difference of HK $40 compared with the cheapest city, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Cancun in Mexico and Galamun in Norway ranked second and third with US $6.07 (about HK $47.1) and US $5.95 (HK $46.2) respectively.

As for Hong Kong, it ranks eighth with a price of US $5.14 (about HK $39.9), which is not only the most expensive among Asian cities, but also much higher than other major international cities, including London and Paris.

The second most expensive Asian city was Singapore, which ranked 11th, while Beijing and Tokyo ranked 15th and 17th respectively. As for South Korea and Taiwan, which are familiar to the people of Hong Kong, they are not included in the survey.

It costs about HK $40 to buy a cup of Starbucks latte in Hong Kong. if you learn to act like a middle class, it will cost Shenghui 1200 yuan a month.

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