Coffee review

How do you drink espresso in Italy? Which is bitter, American or Italian?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Espresso coffee extraction detailed steps Italian concentrated common sense Before coming to Italy, drinking coffee is to go to Starbucks, but when you come to Italy, you will know that even Starbucks is so famous in the world as a coffee chain giant, because there is no place in Italy.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Espresso Coffee extraction detailed steps Italian concentration common sense

Before I came to Italy, I went to Starbucks for coffee, but when I came to Italy, I knew that even Starbucks, which is so famous in the world, has no place in Italy because in front of pure Italian coffee, American Starbucks coffee really can't make this kind of money!

In the 17th century, the famous Venice merchant brought coffee to Italy and opened the history of Italian coffee drinking. In 1884, the first espresso Espresso made by a coffee maker was born in Turin. Seventeen years later, Milan engineer Luigi Bezzera improved the coffee machine and founded the world's earliest coffee machine manufacturer La Pavoni in Milan. Since then, modern Italian coffee has soared and become the most distinctive and recognized drink in the world.

Friends who come to Venice, do not miss 1720 in Venice's most beautiful place San Marco, the birth of Italy's earliest coffee shop Caff è Florian (Flower God Cafe)

Espresso Espresso is the essence of Italian coffee, Espresso in Italian means fast, fast, because this kind of espresso can be typed in about 25 seconds on the coffee machine, so Italians call this coffee which can be made quickly as Espresso.

Italians simply live on espresso. They have a drink in the morning, a drink before work in the morning, a drink in the afternoon, a drink in the afternoon, and a strong drink in the evening when friends meet again at bar. Italy's espresso is 24 hours, in Italy, drinking coffee = healthy life, life without coffee will lose its vitality and meaning, nothing to order a cup of coffee in bar!

Bella used to love espresso when she wasn't pregnant, and she didn't add sugar.

When you come to Italy, be sure to order a cup of espresso. You can buy almost all of it for 1 euro. Just like the locals, drink it up standing up-you will definitely fall in love with his ^ _ ^.

The standard practice of espresso what is authentic espresso