Coffee review

How about being a barista? after reading the unknown bitter history, do you think there is a prospect for a girl to be a barista?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) barista _ barista training _ barista skills like Chen Hao, more and more people like to drink coffee, and many coffee lovers have joined the ranks of baristas as a result. The barista was neatly dressed and stood at the water bar to make coffee, like the South Korean TV series Coffee Prince one.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ancient scholars must have teachers. As a teacher, so preaching, receiving karma and solving doubts. Because of the addition of a teacher to her position, Miss Zhu is happy to pursue a career in which she thinks she has no pressure. Of course, I really feel good about myself. It's not that I don't pursue anything, but I just like a slow-paced industry like coffee. For a long time, to the storefront where there are few customers, complaining about not much salary. But I didn't know that I was just doing the work of a waiter, and I all kinds of plays in front of my cell phone all the time, and forgot to study. It's rare that a few old regular customers in the store come and talk about the gossip and new things in the circle. I plan to go to which cafe to kick down on my next vacation. After wasting my time in this way for several years, it's hard to say whether there are any prospects. In the past, we found that quite a lot of practitioners worked in this mentality, and many years later, she was still the waitress who could only wash cups in the mouth of others.

Like Chen Hao, more and more people like to drink coffee, and many coffee lovers have joined the ranks of baristas. The barista was neatly dressed and stood in the water bar to make coffee, just like the barista in the South Korean TV series Coffee Prince one. If you really like it, do it and do it well. Handsome, it has nothing to do with the result you want. But in fact, there is a lot of bitterness behind it, and there is blood and sweat in a cup of coffee! Expose the unknown bitter history of 7 baristas!

Seven baristas enter the bitter history

1. It is easier to be burned by boiling water and steam than to win the lottery.

A pot of good tea is about "boiling tea", and coffee is no exception. Baristas work around the water bar every day, making coffee tools, kettles and electric stoves everywhere, and the environment is no longer comfortable. In addition, baristas have to make at least ten pots of hot water and make more than a hundred cups of coffee every day. If they are not careful, they will be scalded by boiling water and steam. According to an informal survey, 10 baristas and 10 baristas have been scalded by boiling water and steam. There is blood and tears in every cup of coffee.

two。 There are many steps to make coffee, and the guests ask for a basket.

There are many styles of coffee, such as Cappuccino, Espresso and so on. Each type of coffee is made in different ways and there are many steps. Baristas just have to memorize the steps of making coffee, and they can't have less memory, so they really have to admire the barista's head! And now guests always feel bigger than the sky, asking for a basket, coffee less sugar, milk may have been a business, more troublesome requests, such as what to specify flowers, and so on, have come one after another.

3. The goons don't stop, please ask the guests to urge them.

The coffee shop chain pursues "come on!" Beautiful! Zheng! " It takes an average of 5 minutes to make another cup, and the barista really needs to use a "motorist" to complete all the orders. Especially during the rush hour before going to work in the morning, it is almost a nightmare for baristas. I'm afraid I can't even go to the toilet. The barista has been making coffee all the time, but the most troublesome thing is that the guests are tired of your slow flushing, "urge three and urge four", and tolerate all kinds of guests. The editor must have been angry!

4. get lost! Is there any difference between yourself and the water bar?

Experienced baristas will say that you should be enthusiastic in the industry, be enthusiastic when you are a newcomer, have less labor and are not afraid of long working hours. I am not afraid of hard work if I make more than a hundred cups a day, and even cleaning the shop will be a pleasure. But as the days get longer, it is hard to avoid losing your way. As a matter of fact, I work in a water bar every day. Like working in a water bar, the only difference is the name. Baristas sound better.

5. Good drinking is the second, artistic talent should not only taste good coffee, but also have artistic talent and practice flower drawing all day long.

Guests demand more and more, coffee should not only be good to drink, but also "beautiful"! The flowers on the coffee should be beautiful and more stylish, so as to keep the hearts of the guests. If you want to pull flowers beautifully, you should also have artistic talent in addition to skill. Brute force alone is useless. Of course, those who have artistic talent are happy, but what they don't have is to rely on acquired efforts, to practice pulling flowers after work, to practice pulling flowers after work, and to practice pulling flowers during holidays, so there will only be less private time.

6. Three jobs for a man, waiters and cleaners

The name barista sounds like a great name, but in fact it is a "kick". In the store, all the work is your job, making coffee is only basic, but sometimes you have to take care of the food delivery work, and sometimes the guests have to take care of any dissatisfaction. When you close, you think the day's work is over? Don't dream, there's still a lot of cleaning work to do. It's a real job, but you have to work three jobs.

7. As soon as I saw the sunrise in the morning, the barista was already working.

Wage earners from 9 to 6 may be bored, but at least they are stable enough not to get up too early to work. But baristas have to work early every day in order to meet the peak hours before going to work, starting at about 6 o'clock. While others are still in bed, the barista has to bury himself in his work. I have to go to work at 6 o'clock, so when should I get up? The editor has heard friends share that if you want to work in a coffee shop in Central, you should get up at more than 4 o'clock and take an all-night bus because you live far away. It is not everyone who insists on getting up every morning.

Notice of rule adjustment and explanation of important adjustment contents of 2018WBC World Barista Competition