Coffee review

In 2018, the major brands of ice drop coffee maker recommend the hottest ice drop coffee maker this year.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) ice drop coffee _ ice drop coffee pot _ ice drop coffee practice recommended ice drop coffee maker brand out of the box comparison of major brands: iwaki Driver Tiamo Kalita J.S. Hario Cold burer this year's most popular ice drop coffee maker this time several ice

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Recommended ice drop coffee pot brand comparison

Iwaki Driver Tiamo Kalita J.S. Hario Cold burer

This year's hottest ice drip coffee maker

This time I sorted out several ice drip pots.

I hope you can find something you like.

Brand Name Capacity Material

Driver Driver Designer Ice Drop Coffee Maker 600ml 600 ml plastic, glass

Driver Ice Drop Coffee Set 600ml 600 ml Stainless Steel, Plastic

Tiamo Tiamo medium ice coffee pot 5-8 servings 750cc (HG2603) 750 ml glass, wood

Tiamo medium ice drops 5-8 servings-square base 750cc (HG2713) 750 ml glass, logs

Tiamo #10 Medium Ice Drops 5-8 servings-Round Base (HG2714) 750 ml Glass, Wood

Tiamo Japanese Ice Drop 600ml Coffee Pot Silver-5 servings (HG2606) 600ml Stainless Steel, Glass

iwaki iwaki Heatproof Glass Ice Drop Coffee Pot 440ml+[Junior] Mini Bean Grinder 20g 440 ml Plastic, Glass

Japan iwaki glass ice drop coffee pot 440ml+ Taiwan made 600ML glass cooler *2 440 ml plastic, glass

J.S. J.S. Ice Drop Coffee Pot 600ml 600 ml Plastic, Glass

Cold Bruer United States Cold Bruer Ice Dripper [Latest] 700 ml stainless steel, glass

Driver Designer Ice Drop Coffee Maker 600ml


The integrated design gives visual senses a great bonus

With stainless steel filter, no need to buy another pellet filter paper

You can put it right in the fridge. Ice drops.

It comes with a sealed lid so that the coffee won't smell like a refrigerator while it's waiting to ferment.

Here's GoodWave Driver Designer Ice Drop Coffee Pot 600ml out of box text

Driver Ice Drop Coffee Set 600ml


This is the spring version of iced coffee.

Additional pellet filter paper is required to be placed on the coffee powder surface for ice dripping

This model is cheap and the drip rate can be easily adjusted.

Perfect for people with a low budget.

Tiamo Medium Ice Drop Coffee Pot 5-8 servings 750cc (HG2603) [Most Popular]


Elegant in appearance, turning your home into a coffee shop immediately

High transparency, coffee dripping process at a glance

This ice drops about 5-8 people at a time

Perfect for sharing.

At this price, you can buy ice dripper CP with wooden shelf. The quality is really high!

Tiamo medium ice drops 5-8 servings-square base 750cc (HG2713)


This is also a medium-sized ice drop coffee maker.

Compared with the previous HG2603, there are more rotating glass tubes

to make ice droplets look more like chemistry experiments.

It's also more beautiful.

But the price is also a little higher

Tiamo #10 Medium Ice Drops 5-8 servings-Round Base (HG2714)


This is also a medium-sized ice drop coffee maker.

Similar to the previous HG2713 with a rotating glass tube

The difference is the shape of the base.

The rounded base and three corner posts give this ice drop coffee maker a unique sense of symmetry

Tiamo Japanese Ice Drops 600ml Coffee Pot Silver-5 servings (HG2606)


This is a small ice drop coffee maker.

And this design is very special, very few ice drop coffee designed in this style

Streamlined silver, Japanese-style design can also watch the coffee drop process

If you like this style, don't miss it.

iwaki Heatproof Glass Ice Drop Coffee Pot 440ml+[Junior] Mini Bean Grinder 20g


Iwaki is also quite famous in ice drip coffee pots

This model is a more spring ice drop coffee pot, his water drop speed is not adjustable

But the price is also the cheapest

For people who want to experience iced coffee.

This one also comes with a hand-operated bean grinder.

But usually ice coffee drops coffee powder thickness is also full of fine

Hand shaking may take a little effort.

Japan iwaki glass ice drop coffee pot 440ml+ Taiwan made 600ML glass cooler *2


Same as iwaki's ice drip coffee pot.

And this one comes with two glass chillers.

Because ice drops are usually placed in the refrigerator for fermentation for 1- 2 days

At this time, more than a few containers can be packed to keep ice dripping every day

Make it possible to have a cup of iced coffee every morning

J.S. Ice Drop Coffee Maker 600ml


This one is also a more spring ice drop coffee pot

This model also comes with stainless steel filter, so you don't have to buy pellet filter paper.

Simple design, small size, so you can also put ice drops in the refrigerator

It is uniquely sealed and can be used as a container for other liquids in addition to sealing cans

American Cold bruer Ice Dripper [Latest]


This one is the latest model.

Some of the filters in the front and the powder nest in the middle are inseparable.

And all of these accessories can be disassembled and cleaned.

So that the powder nest is opened and cleaned

The oil in the iced coffee is also easier to clean

And he has three colors to choose from.

This coffee pot will be the focus of this year.

What is iced coffee? Features of Iced Drop Coffee Detailed Tutorial with Iced Drop Coffee Appliances