Coffee review

How to drink coffee powder? how to make coffee? how to drink coffee powder? how to brew it?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) friends send a can of coffee powder, but do not know how to brew? Do you want it boiled or directly brewed? Please let the waiter know. Coffee powder is a great ground coffee, which can be brewed in several ways: 1. Filter cup type: need to buy filter cup, you can choose

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

A can of coffee powder from a friend

But do not know how to brew?

Do you want it boiled or directly brewed?

Please let the waiter know.

Coffee powder is a great ground coffee, and there are several ways to make it:

1. Filter cup type: you need to buy a filter cup, you can choose porcelain or plastic material, buy No. 2 or 4 filter paper, it is more convenient to use 4 good filter paper, put the coffee powder into 2 tablespoons (coffee spoon), heat the water around the circle, add the water slowly and do not rinse the coffee powder. About 200-250cc will be fine, so there will be a good cup of filter coffee.

two。 American coffee maker: just use the American coffee maker to make coffee.

3. A simple tea maker can also be brewed, if you want to bring coffee powder to settle before drinking.

4. Please do not directly add water when three-in-one dissolve and brew, so you can't drink it (it will be full of coffee grounds).

Remember to seal it completely and store it in the freezer, take out the coffee when you make it, and put it back in the freezer after use. Don't get damp if you open it at room temperature for too long, because it is easy to absorb water when it is frozen at a long temperature.

1. If instant coffee powder (instant coffee), directly brew!

two。 If it's not instant coffee powder, but coffee beans (bean), cook it in a coffee machine!