Coffee review

Coffee trip-Central and South America. Quality and characteristics of cultivation environment in various zones

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) understanding Central American Coffee-Central America is the land bridge connecting North and South America, there are seven countries, namely, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. All seven countries in Central America produce coffee, including Guatemala

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Know Central American Coffee-

Central America is a land bridge connecting North and South America. There are seven countries, namely, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Seven Central American countries all produce coffee, with Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras among the top 10 coffee exporters in the world.

Coffee originated in Central America in the 18th century, and this important economic product originated in Costa Rica around 1840. Since Central America became independent from Spain in 1821, wars have continued. Because Costa Rica was far away from the Spanish colonial capital of Guatemala, it was not affected by the civil war. On the contrary, the production of coffee in Guatemala and El Salvador was delayed because of the civil war. After that, the political dispute gradually subsided, and with the exception of Honduras, Central American countries began to produce coffee in the 19th century.

Central America has the natural advantages of sunshine, land, and mountains, and an abundant working population, which makes the region unique in growing and producing high-quality coffee. In the late 19th century, coffee had become an indicator of economic growth in Central American countries, and all Central American countries passed a bill to promote coffee. The most remarkable results have been achieved in countries such as Costa Rica El Salvador and Guatemala coupled with the scientific and technological way of growing coffee making Central America one of the four largest coffee producing regions in the world.

Coffee from Central and South America. The coffee in this area is suitable for roasting at the end of an explosion and can bring out sour and sweet flavors.

The flavor is well-behaved, unlike Africa's heroic and wild. In the world of coffee, accounting for 40%, is the largest producing area.

1 Brazilian coffee-an indispensable catalyst for beans. Appropriate sour, slightly sweet taste, smooth taste.

To Santos, Xi La multi-producing areas for more, is a commercial bean area.

2 Columbia Coffee-supermo is the highest grade of commercial beans.

(3) Guatemala-coffee beans with the highest CP value. It is suitable for all kinds of baking degree and individual product concentration. Famous are Waite Nangguo producing area and Antigua producing area (Flower God).

Multi-volcanic geology and plateau vertical valleys, changeable microclimate, contains extremely hard beans and boutique coffee beans, known as volcanic coffee.

Clear taste, sweet and sour taste of fruit, and sweet chocolate, with distinct layers. After drinking, the bottom of the cup has a strong smell of sugar.

4 Jamaica-Blue Mountain, dark and sour, smooth taste, not very distinctive.

Costa rica-No burden, thinnest body beans, refreshing and sweet taste, not suitable for beans.

6 Panama-geisha geisha, champion coffee. Very strong berry aroma, drink very clean and bright, sour aroma rich, delicious.

7 El Salvador-mainly in the middle and back, characterized by low sour gas and excellent mellow thickness.

The production of coffee beans in Central America

From coffee fruit-sowing-about 50 cm after one year-blossom after three years-green fruit after two months-cherry fruit after 6-7 months-harvest-soak-peel wash-dry-peel-select bean packaging-professional baking-grinding into powder-cooking and brewing-a cup of rich glycol Central American coffee with outstanding flavor.

Production flow chart:

Coffee prices have hit rock bottom in recent years, especially under the World Bank credit subsidy in Vietnam, where mass production has disrupted market prices, making coffee farmers in Central and South America miserable, threatening to leave coffee trees idle and refuse to plant them if coffee prices cannot return to a reasonable price. Although the lower the price of coffee, it seems to be a great pleasure for coffee consumers, it may lead to a decline in the quality of the coffee we drink. Central American coffee is a world-class high-quality coffee that can be praised with a thumbs up. In order to continue to enjoy better quality coffee, please support and buy Central American coffee.