Coffee review

The difference between iced coffee and cold coffee? The taste of ice drop coffee describes the ratio of powder to water.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the hot cold extracted coffee in the past two years, slow low temperature extraction makes the coffee more mellow, less caffeine, about two weeks, the coffee has been fermented, and even a faint wine aroma! It is cold after all

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Ice drop coffee and cold coffee are both common ways of making cold coffee, and their cool feeling is loved by many people. So what's the difference in flavor between iced coffee and cold coffee? Let's compare it under the front street. Although the invention of ice drop coffee is called Dutch coffee (Dutch coffee), it doesn't have much to do with Holland. On the contrary, it has a deep origin with Japan, so it is also called Kyoto Coffee. While reading the coffee book, the owner of Kyoto Flower House Coffee read the method of making coffee by the local people in the Dutch colony of Indonesia at that time, and was very interested in this method. Then, according to the description in the book at that time, with the help of the chemistry students of Kyoto University and the medical equipment company, he developed the ice drop device, which wanted to recreate the Indonesian method of making coffee, thus invented the ice drop coffee. Later, it became popular in Europe and the United States. Because they were not aware of this period of history, they directly called it Kyoto Coffee.

The difference between the two methods, first of all, the production time of the two is very long, generally ice drop coffee is made through an ice drop kettle, which is divided into the upper pot (ice water), the middle pot (coffee powder), and the lower pot (coffee liquid). From the ice water in the upper pot dripping into the coffee powder in the middle pot, the coffee liquid is slowly extracted and flowed into the lower pot, usually for 6-8 hours. Cold extract coffee is to use a container, put the ground coffee powder into the container, and then add the corresponding proportion of cold (ice) water, shake evenly and seal. Store in low temperature (refrigerator) for 12-24 hours and extract at low temperature. Then filter the coffee grounds with filter paper, and the result is cold extracted coffee. Now start to make ice drops. 1. The proportion of powder and water used in Qianjie coffee ice drops is 1:10, that is, 60g of coffee powder to extract 600ml coffee liquid. 2. Put a round filter paper in the lower part of the powder cup, wet the cup wall with water, put in the ground 60g coffee powder (the size of coarse granulated sugar), and then shake the coffee surface flat, or you can use the weight of the powder hammer to gently press the powder layer to make the surface smooth.

3. Remember to put a piece of filter paper on the noodles. Because the tension of the filter paper can make the water distribute evenly, if there is no filter paper, the water droplets for a long time will drip out a pit in the powder bed. 4. Use ice water to "pre-soak", in fact, this is similar to the steaming process in hand flushing, which can improve the consistency of the extraction effect and the finished product. If the ice drops directly, it may cause uneven wetting of the powder layer, some of the coffee powder is overextracted while the other part is not involved in the extraction.

5. Put the 1:1 ice-water mixture into the water bottle and adjust the regulating valve to drip for about 10.7 seconds. 6. after making, pour the coffee liquid into a sealed glass bottle and put it in the refrigerator to ferment overnight, so that the flavor of the coffee is mixed together, making it better and easier to taste.

The caffeine content of ice drop coffee many people think that the caffeine content of ice drop coffee is low, because the lower the water temperature, the less easily caffeine dissolves (the lowest temperature of caffeine dissolution is above 80 degrees Celsius). However, the low amount of caffeine extracted by cold water should not be underestimated after a long period of extraction, so some people think that the caffeine content of ice drop coffee is higher, and many experimental results have confirmed this claim. Ice drop coffee will vary greatly in caffeine content because of the coffee beans used in different cafes, the water drop interval and the total extraction time, so people who are sensitive to caffeine have better drink low caffeine coffee than ice drop coffee.

How do we choose coffee beans that make ice drops? The first reaction of the friends who saw this title was: just choose a drop of beans. But if you use only one kind of beans to make ice droplets, you may not be able to experience the sweetness or smoothness of the beans. Therefore, when making ice drop coffee, it is recommended to use two kinds of coffee beans to make ice drop, the purpose is to make this coffee more highlight the characteristics of a certain flavor. The following two ways of matching are introduced, which can be used as a reference. 30g [Honduran Shirley] + 30g [Costa Rican Beethoven] Picture Shirley barrel processed Shirley plus washed Beethoven, fermented wine aroma, rich acidity with honey sweetness. Washed Beethoven has obvious citrus acid with the fullness of raspberry juice. Whisky barrel fermented Shirley, with a distinct whisky aroma and a smooth vanilla cream. Made into ice droplets, you will feel the strong aroma of whisky, with obvious fullness of citrus acid and berry juice and smooth vanilla cream in the mouth.

20 grams [Honduran Litchi Orchid] + 40 [Yega Chuefei Fruit Ding] Litchi Orchid treated in barrel plus washed Yega Chuefei Fruit Ding Ding, a hint of brandy, plum-like acidity with sweet maple syrup. Brandy barrel-treated litchi orchid has rich brandy aromas, chocolate and honey finish. Washed with Yega Tintin, plum and citrus fruit acidity, with oolong sweetness and smooth tea taste. When made into ice droplets, you will feel the light aroma of brandy, and the rich fruit acid leads to the sweetness and creamy smooth taste of honey.

30 g [Sidamo Sakuran] + 30 g [Panama Hartman] sun-treated Sakui plus red wine-treated Hartman, fermented wine with a strong aroma of fermented wine, with some slight acidity, more suitable for people with heavier taste ~ the sun-treated Sakui has a higher sweetness, smells like strawberries, and tastes like passion fruit, fermented wine, strawberry and jackfruit. Hartmann treated with red wine has some aromas of fermented red wine, the palate is supple, with some tropical fruit, nut and yellow sugar flavor. When it is made into ice droplets, it will feel the stronger fermentation flavor, higher sweetness and higher alcohol thickness.

The cold extraction solution in front of the street is to use 50g coffee powder with a reducing powder ratio of 1:10, so add 400ml of cold water and 200g of hard ice (a total of 600g of ice-water mixture, the water absorption of coffee powder is twice that of itself). Stir well, seal and store in refrigerator for 24 hours. Then take out and filter the coffee grounds with filter paper, then use a clean sealed bottle to seal the coffee liquid in the refrigerator for 32 hours.

The ice drop coffee made from Huakui coffee beans in the front street is compared with the cold extract coffee. Ice drop coffee and cold extract coffee are poured into a glass to observe, the ice drop coffee is clear and bright, the cold extract is hazy, and the surface is covered with oil.

Ice drop flavor: refreshing, clean taste, rich fermented flavor, with some wine flavor. Slightly sweet and sour berries. Cold extract flavor: the taste is relatively full, the flavor is relatively uniform, and the sweetness of the fruit is very obvious. The sense of fermentation is not very strong. Comparing the flavor of these two kinds of cold coffee, you can obviously feel the difference, especially in the clean and refreshing taste, which is very easy to identify.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925