Coffee review

What is a cup test? What is a triangle cup test? What other methods are there for cup testing?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is a cup test? From a professional point of view, cup testing is the process of grinding, brewing, sipping, tasting and evaluating roasted coffee. Regardless of the subtle differences in various cup test tables, it is generally related to the aroma of coffee (including the dried aroma after grinding

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is a cup test?

From a professional point of view, cup testing is the process of grinding, brewing, sipping, tasting and evaluating roasted coffee. Regardless of the subtle differences in various cup test tables, it generally involves the overall evaluation of coffee aroma (including dry aroma after grinding and wet fragrance after water injection), flavor, aftertaste, acidity, alcohol thickness, consistency, sense of balance, cleanliness, sweetness and comprehensive considerations.

What are the characteristics of a cup of coffee?

Shixiang (Aroma)

The odor intensity of brewing coffee

Alcohol thickness (Body)

The sense of weight of coffee liquid in the mouth

Flavor (Flavor)

The taste of coffee when it enters the mouth

Acidity (Acidity)

Is the sour taste of coffee bright, lively, sharp and dull?

Sweetness (Sweetness)

The sweetness intensity of coffee liquid as it rotates in the mouth

Aftertaste (Aftertaste)

The flavor and smell of coffee liquid tasted in the mouth and spit out.

The cup meters of professional institutions SCAA (American Fine Coffee Association) and COE (Cup of Exellence) are more detailed, except for the above-mentioned wet aroma, alcohol thickness, flavor, acidity, sweetness and aftertaste. "Fragrance", "uniformity", "clean cup", "mouth feel", "overall", "taint" and "fault" are also scored.

What is a triangle cup test?

In short, eight groups of coffee, each group of three cups, eight minutes, pick out a different cup of each group, the pursuit of the hit rate under the premise of more time-consuming.

"the connection between the two"

No matter the cup test or the cup test, coffee is judged by the sense of smell, taste and even vision. The biggest difference between the two lies in the nature, the former is a competition, the latter tend to be professionals to control the quality of coffee, more like daily life.

As a participant in this event, personal experience is more important than anything else. People often ask, "what is the experience of winning the first China regional champion of the World Cup?"

In the case of taste buds, the scientific definition is that people have flavor-distinguishing tongue cystocytic particles on their tongues. 50% of people have about 15-50, 25% of people have only 10 or less, and another 25% of people may have more than 50.