Coffee review

How much can I drink Nestle coffee a day? How much coffee should I drink a day?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The most consumed mental stimulant in the world is caffeine, which is found in the coffee, tea and energy drinks we drink. We eat it like chocolate. It's exciting, sober and tastes great. That's why we love caffeine so much. After the opening of cafes in Europe in the 17th century, it was transformed into a place for intellectuals to meet and discuss various topics. Although today's

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The most consumed mental stimulant in the world is caffeine, which is found in the coffee, tea and energy drinks we drink. We eat it like chocolate. It's exciting, sober and tastes great. That's why we love caffeine so much.

After the opening of cafes in Europe in the 17th century, it was transformed into a place for intellectuals to meet and discuss various topics. Although the functions of today's coffee shops may be different, there are still many people who like to talk about business over coffee.

Coffee has a refreshing effect, but does it really make people perform better?

The shortest answer is "no". Coffee does not change performance, but it works when it comes to learning and the formation of long-term memory.

I can't wake up without coffee for a day, but how much coffee is too much? The latest dietary guidelines in the United States recommend that healthy people drink three to five cups of coffee a day, each cup of about 240c.c, and limit their daily caffeine intake to less than 400mg.

According to the new US dietary guidelines, it is best to limit the amount of coffee consumed per day to no more than 3 to 5 cups to no more than 720 to 1200c.c. As the benchmark, and it is best to drink black coffee alone, if you are not used to it, you can use low-fat milk instead of sugar and cream. But people who don't drink coffee are not advised to start drinking a lot, let alone mix it with alcoholic beverages at the same time, because it may lead to alcoholism as a result.

In addition, the dietary guidelines also list three "red light foods"-eat less sugar, salt (sodium), saturated and trans fats, and add less than 10% of total calories daily. Studies have shown that it can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

It is recommended that the daily sodium intake should be less than 2300 mg, or about 6 grams of salt, but even less for children under the age of 14. Saturated fat intake should be less than 10% of the total daily calorie intake, as saturated fat is higher in red meat (such as cattle, sheep and pigs), unsaturated fat can be replaced by unsaturated fat (such as olive oil and nuts).