Coffee review

How do you drink the coffee powder? Can I eat coffee beans directly? What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating coffee beans directly?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee beans can be eaten directly after roasting, but direct consumption can not show the original characteristics of coffee very well, only after the coffee beans are ground into powder and then brewed, can we taste the characteristics of different varieties of coffee from different places. Among them, coffee beans contain

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee beans can be eaten directly after roasting, but direct consumption can not show the original characteristics of coffee very well. only when coffee beans are ground into powder and then soaked, can we taste the characteristics of different varieties of coffee from different areas. Coffee beans contain caffeine, fat, protein and tannic acid and other ingredients, with the role of keeping a clear head.

How to eat coffee beans

Coffee beans are also a kind of food often eaten by Westerners, which can be chewed directly or ground into powder to drink. It is precisely because coffee beans contain caffeine, fat, protein and tannins, so coffee beans also have the effect of keeping a clear head and keeping the mind sharp.

Generally speaking, the sour coffee beans, especially the high-quality new beans, are best roasted shallower, while the bitter ones are roasted more deeply, and then the sweet ones are mostly selected beans produced in the highland. Baking often constitutes the key to whether it can be tasted after it can be integrated into the soft bitterness. Neutral flavor, even if not highland coffee beans, but also need to have a stable quality of stable treatment. Coffee beans with fragrant and mellow effect.

Can coffee beans be eaten directly? the advantages and disadvantages of direct consumption of coffee beans

The method of making coffee

If you want to make your own cup of coffee, you first need to buy the right brewing utensils, and use a filter coffee maker or funnel, a steam straw coffee maker or a squeeze coffee maker, or even the so-called traditional dripping method of large stalls, it all depends on your personal preference. The best way for coffee powder is to grind the right amount of coffee beans into powder before drinking, which may feel troublesome, but if you get used to it, the feeling of trouble will disappear, followed by the pleasure of enjoying a cup of delicious and fragrant freshly ground coffee.

Because if you buy ground coffee powder in a store, I'm afraid the coffee will deteriorate if you buy too much. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee beans. The method of grinding coffee beans will choose different grinding methods depending on the different coffee utensils used, usually medium to very fine grinding is more suitable.

Can coffee beans be eaten directly? the advantages and disadvantages of direct consumption of coffee beans


Generally speaking, the sour coffee beans, especially the high-quality new beans, are best roasted shallower, while the bitter ones are roasted more deeply, and then the sweet ones are mostly selected beans produced in the highland. Baking often constitutes the key to whether it can be tasted after it can be integrated into the soft bitterness. Neutral flavor, even if not highland coffee beans, but also need to have a stable quality of stable treatment. Coffee beans with fragrant and mellow effect.