Coffee review

How to use automatic coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Fully automatic coffee machine refers to a machine that can make a cup of coffee at the press of a button. It automates the whole process from grinding coffee beans to brewing coffee with hot water. Fully automatic coffee machines are the fastest growing in the entire coffee machine industry. Since 1999 GAGGIA has released the first fully automatic coffee machine capable of producing Espresso, each with different coffees.

A fully automatic coffee machine is a machine that makes a cup of coffee at the press of a button-automating everything from grinding coffee beans to brewing coffee with hot water. The fully automatic coffee machine is the fastest growing in the whole coffee machine industry. Since 1999, GAGGIA released the first fully automatic coffee machine capable of making Espresso (espresso). Different coffee machine manufacturers are committed to research and development, so that its function has been continuously improved. There are already high-end models that can heat milk and match it in the coffee according to proportion. The coffee produced by a good full-automatic coffee machine is completely comparable to the commercial professional machine, and because it can grind beans automatically and the price is much lower than the professional machine, it has been favored by families and offices since its inception.

With the deepening of coffee culture in China, automatic coffee machine is setting off a new buying craze. To make coffee, you must first connect the power supply, and the coffee machine must be connected to the Amax C socket. The use voltage must be consistent with the specified voltage indicated on the machine package. It is strictly forbidden to use defective power cords. Just plug in the power supply and turn on the coffee machine power switch.


Remove the lid of the bean box and put the right amount of coffee into the bean box (the bean box capacity of most automatic coffee machines will not exceed 400g) to 80% full.


Remove the water tank from the machine, remove the water tank cover, and fill it with fresh water with a capacity of about 3gam4. The valve at the bottom of the water tank acts as a discharge. When putting the water tank back into the machine, gently press the water tank against the valve that can be opened automatically, and then cover the water tank cover.


After completing the above preparation work, you can make coffee. Generally speaking, there are several function buttons on the body of the automatic coffee machine, such as "small cup", "big cup", hot water / steam, coffee powder and so on. Some of them do not use powder buttons, because it does not have the device of powder grains, which only means that coffee beans can only be used. There are also coffee powder settings, coffee water (concentration) settings, double cups and other buttons, specific buttons vary from machine to machine. If you need a large cup of coffee, press the big cup button, and if you want to drink a small cup, press the small button, so the automatic coffee mechanism for making coffee is very simple and does not require too much artificial operation at all, as long as the basic conditions for making coffee are met.


If you need to make fancy coffee, you need to make a cup of espresso (ESPRESSO) in advance, then fill it with a steel cup and fill it with 3-1 black whole milk, so that the steam pipe just touches the surface of the milk, about a finger away from the inner wall of the cup. Turn on the steam switch, when the foam is about full, turn off the steam first, and then take it away from the cup. At this time, the steel cup was picked up in the right hand and the espresso in the left hand, and the milk foam was slowly poured into the just-finished espresso. Isn't it easy to make such a fragrant CAPPUCCINO? So whether at home or in the office, the fully automatic coffee maker is your best choice.