Coffee review

White coffee is a kind of coffee with unique Nanyang flavor. Does this kind of coffee powder taste good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) (picture from the network) Yibao white coffee-White coffee is a unique Nanyang flavor white coffee (White Coffee) the name is not named because of the color of coffee, but in the coffee bean roasting process without adding any ingredients, so the name of white coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

(the picture is from the Internet)

Yibao White Coffee-White Coffee is a unique Nanyang flavor coffee

The name of white coffee (White Coffee) is not named because of the color of coffee, but without any ingredient in the roasting process of coffee beans, so the "white" in the name of white coffee also means pure and pure.

Different from the local black coffee in Malaysia, white coffee beans are roasted in palm oil without adding sugar and wheat, while roasting at low temperature, the roasting time is longer and the caffeine content per bean is lower. However, because each unit of white coffee uses more beans and is highly extracted than regular coffee, the content of caffeine per unit is higher. (White coffee: 74mg / 100ml; instant coffee: 57mg / 100ml; mixed coffee: 68mg / 100ml; coffee latte: 32mg/100ml) has less bitterness and sour taste than black coffee, but has more charcoal flavor.

Many people confuse ordinary coffee with the coffee customs of Southeast Asia. When you come to Malaysia, in the "coffee shop" (Taiwanese pronunciation) run by Chinese, you will see a kind of drink "KABI O" (Taiwanese pronunciation). This is black coffee, but it is not the black coffee we know. This kind of coffee tastes creamy and scorch, and the coffee tastes less bitter. This is because the Chinese are not used to bitter coffee. So starch and oil are added to stir-fry beans, so the surface of this kind of coffee beans is black and shiny, as if fried, nearly half of the weight of 1KG beans is starch and oil (usually palm oil), this kind of coffee beans can be bought in the local supermarket, 1KG about 10~15RM (NT100~150), this kind of black coffee I have in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. As for white coffee, it is not white coffee with milk, but nothing else in the stir-frying process, that is, general coffee, so the so-called white coffee in Southeast Asia is ordinary coffee, and black coffee is noodle tea coffee, which can also be added with sugar and milk, and the taste is different, that's all! (source: mobile01)

The Origin of Yibao White Coffee

What is white coffee? White coffee is a unique coffee drink in Ipoh, Malaysia. Ipoh White Coffee does not have a clear record of who and when the coffee was made clear, but it is certain that the Chinese who emigrated from Chinese mainland to Ipoh in Malaysia before World War II. At that time, under the background of the British colonial government, black and white coffee with Nanyang flavor were developed.

Black coffee is a coffee drink baked by coffee beans and caramel, which is darker in color and higher in viscosity than Italian Espresso. It has a strong "charred" taste, while white coffee only uses coffee beans baked into coffee drinks. White coffee does not mean that the coffee beans are white or contain fresh milk, which is a common misstatement. Most of the early Chinese who emigrated from the mainland to Ipoh came from Guangdong Province. The word "Bai" in Guangdong language is very similar to the word "Bai" in Chinese for "plain boiled water". At the same time, "Bai" represents the meaning of dignity in Guangdong. Therefore, white coffee refers to only the ingredients of coffee beans, without adding other ingredients such as caramel, it can also be said that since white coffee has only coffee beans, its coffee aroma will be relatively heavier and purer than black coffee.

What is white coffee black?

White coffee with milk and sugar is called white coffee; white coffee without milk and sugar is called black-white coffee "O".

Wu is the direct translation of the English letter "O"; white coffee with only milk and no sugar is called white coffee silk-white coffee "C".

Silk is the direct translation of the English letter "C". The summary is as follows:

White coffee: with milk and sugar

White coffee "O": no milk with sugar

White coffee "C": milk without sugar

If white coffee has only coffee beans, what's the difference between white coffee and western-style coffee? To put it simply, the differences lie in the following features:

Fragrant but not bitter (both Espresso,Cappuccino and Latte have a bitter taste)

The viscosity is high but slippery, and the sugar developed by our company also removes the sour taste of the coffee.

To sum up, white coffee is a unique Nanyang flavor coffee, just like Taiwan's pearl milk tea and Alishan alpine tea, which is a unique food in Taiwan.

Ipoh is the birthplace of white coffee and the only place where orthodox white coffee is produced.